Went to talk with my MA supervisor, and she thinks that I should go for a PhD, that the topic I've had in mind all along is a good one, and that now all I've to do is write a decent proposal so it gets accepted. If that is the case, I'll be under her supervision for another 6 years starting next September, because I'm a poor girl and can only afford a PhD if I work part-time while doing it.
Which reminds me: SOMEBODY PLEASE HIRE ME!
On a not so positive note: my boyfriend went back to Poland today (after a 3-and-a-half days visit) and I already miss him more than I did before. I've been feeling so down lately (for this and other reasons), sometimes I wonder if I should go back home and, you know, at least be with my family.
Fandom time:
I've never been a Wonder Girls fan, mainly because I've always found their tittle songs kinda basic, but their last album (minus Be my baby) is fucking flawless. Gonna have to buy it!
This is my absolute favourite:
Click to view
And this one is going to be my song this Christmas!!!
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I'm not very keen on Yoobin's rapping though. Makes me want to listen to the entire discography of Pete Rock & CL Smooth, just to erase the memories of such lack of flow...