Title: Jinki and Soojung
Fandom: SHINee, f(x)
Pairing: onstal
Rating: g
Summary: Things had changed, they had changed.
Jinki and Soojung, the younger girl had scribbled neatly in the corner of the photo they had taken during their filming in Thailand. Jinki smiled, his thumb brushing over the small heart she had drawn, before closing his fist, crumpling their happy faces with ease. Things had changed, they had changed. The entertainment industry was a harsh world which tore at your defenses relentlessly, stripping you down to the bone and coating you over with someone who wasn’t you at all.
Jinki had lost his first love to fame and fortune.
Because Jinki was no longer Jinki, and Soojung was no longer Soojung.
Soojung finds a crumpled photograph on the edge of her dressing table one day. She picks it up, smoothens it out. Her original words are unrecognizable beneath the angry pen lines that jarred the abused corner of the photo. Thick marker lines obscure the faces of the smiling couple.
Onew and Krystal, it says.
friend? yeah,