Sep 16, 2005 15:30
Hey hey ppl...i need money :(...i have to buy a new cam and a video capture device...cept i dont have the 250 for the capture device or the 3944 of the cam...damn it...any ways onto film news...the filming is going ok...oh wait no its not cuz we kicked devon off the team because hes a fucking pussy and he wont stick up to his stupid 11 yr old cuzin and cuz hes a lazy bitch...well yea lol so rite now we only have jeffs cam and no way to put the footy on my comp oh well we'll find away...anyways yea so in other news im missing some one very much and i kno she'll probably never talk to me again and im sure she isnt reading this to kno how much im sorry and how much i didnt mean to be mean...when i said what i said to u i was really freaking pissed off at alot of ppl...mainly myself but i didnt mean to lash out at her like i did and i am truly and deeply sorry from the bottom of my yea well ummm bye ppl