Not This Crap Again

Dec 18, 2011 08:39

Okay, I get that when you're talking about a subject it's easier to say "All women..." or "All men...", but frankly I'm tried of it.

I really don't appreciate being informed that in the '80s I a) loved hair metal, b) cared more about a band's looks than their musical talent, and c) liked power ballads, while I'm watching a documentary on heavy metal, just because I happen to be female.

For the record, a) some hair/glam/pop metal bands were okay, some were utter crap, most were forgettable, but I can't think of any that rose beyond "like" in my opinion. B) Most of them looked damn silly. C) Most love songs just kind of blend together into a mass of sameness to me. The power ballad I really liked from the 80s? "18 and Life" by Skid Row. Nothing says romance like the story of a down-on-his-luck kid who ends up in jail after accidentally shooting another kid.

Also, I own two pairs of shoes. They're both practical for walking in and I wouldn't  trade them for them for a closetfull of those ugly fashionable shoes.*

*Okay, if you offered me enough money, I would. As long as I wasn't required to actually wear or keep them.
Edited, because the next song seemed to fit the rant better.

tv, griping, rant

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