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Something Else To Think About
Oct 07, 2010 00:39
"The other thing is that the meat and milk from grass-fed cattle will probably have higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease and strengthen people's immune systems. What's good for the environment, what's good for cattle, is also good for us."
Combine these findings with the questions being raised about meat replacements derived from soy and wheat gluten, and the real thing seems better by the minute. "What we know about soy is that as you process it, you lose a lot of the benefits," says Ashley Koff, a Los Angeles-based registered dietician. "Any soy-based fake meat product is incredibly processed, and you have to use chemicals to get the mock flavor. Any other whole-food diet is going to be a lot better for you." Vegetarians like Andrew-he once brought a tofu sandwich to a famous Texas barbecue restaurant-may now have a harder time justifying their "healthier" dietary choices.
From "
Why Vegetarians Are Eating Meat" by Christine Lennon for Food & Wine
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