Is it already Valentine's Day again?
Oh my.
Happy V-Day for all the couples out there, then.
Or all the pride singles, who laugh at these adrokable fools with their choclates & flowers.
And for those, who are all sad, because they don't have anyone: Don't give up & don't sulk. Enlighten the day with your smile or write me something ♥
Click to view
Sadly, there is no subbed version of this live around, but you can take a look at
this, when you like do know what he's singing.
♬ &
♥PPs. Maybe more about my past/current daily life in the evening. I still need to write a report for the Emilie Autumn concert last week.
Or this one:
Click to view
Yeah, I know, I stood in a good place >D And it was the first vid this day. We became better and better >0'
When you're new at this play, I'm this one:
Huh, yeah.