MSc finished!

Sep 25, 2008 00:52

I got a Distinction!

And the highest mark in Entomology. I am so Very Pleased :D :D :D

This is exactly what I wanted out of this year. The morning viva went really well - the external examiner who marked my project said it was very good, and well written, which is freakin’ awesome as he’s a) someone we’ve heard of before, and fairly important and b) got no reason to sugar-coat anything for me, as he’s not on the campus. The rest of the day was spent hanging around the JS common room, then all waiting outside of Janet’s office for 40min all hopping around until results happened.

:D :D It’s brilliant to have a good, clear reminder that I am actually good at all this ^_^

I’m going to miss Silwood a lot, though. There were many hugs today, with people leaving or leaving soon - I’m cycling my last bag of stuff over to the new house tomorrow, and that’ll be me moved out. It’s going to be really weird not to be living here, not surrounded by eco-science people all the time. And yes, the JS common room humour is going to have to be toned down somewhat for the outside world. “It could be worse - it could be incest” and the general bad-taste jokes... yeah, probably not so acceptable IRL :P

I know I’ll be coming back a bit while I’m still down here, primarily to harass omylouse for TV murderin' and port evenings, but it’s not quite the same as living here. Will miss any spontaneous parties for one thing, and probably can’t spend so much time watching late-night bad films or CSI in a shared Real Person house. Not quite at the stage of pre-missing the Void, mind.

Ah well. Morning - canteen breakfast, say goodbye to the lovely bridgeannkell and bug_tea, return book, cycle stuff, unpack stuff, repack stuff, then head into London for a long weekend in Hastings with mum.

Plus, I now have loads of places I must visit to see people again. London, Ireland, Edinburgh, Brunei! It will be quite awesome to have friends all over the place - excuse to travel :) And options to travel, now I have the freedom to, if we gloss over the ‘jobs, etc’ issue. My CV must look bloody good by now. Fingers crossed for Cambs-employable.

So, just need to write a book, find a long-term job, visit awesome places and acquire some sort of hot mad scientist type to crit CSI with. Quests acquired - LFG? ;) I am such a nerd.

Distinction ^_^

work, future, stuff, silwood

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