Assorted things

Oct 27, 2006 16:35



Songs for change

This site is good - "Songs For Change is a call to songwriters old and new to put into words and music their observations of what's going on in the world today; to write songs that reflect our times."

I got there via this one:  Gulf War Re-enactment

ickle_angel, I think you'd like that one.


Is it possible to do NaNoWriMo with pre-existing work, on the assumption you're using the old thing like an outline and are re-writing it completely?

Unrelated, I found a story opening I doodled (yes, you can doodle writing, ner) the other week. Not entirely sure what it's for, but hey:


On a day such as this, it should have been raining.  He glanced up, staring accusingly at the blurred clouds that smeared the sky, and pulled his tattered coat tighter against the insidious autumnal damp.  It should have been raining.  Thundering.  Lightning splitting the sky apart.  British weather, it seemed, did not stoop to pathetic fallacy. 
    He should have realised that a decade before.  It had been perversely sunny then.  Bright, crisp sunlight, shining over trees aflame in burnished colours, accompanied by the softest breeze.  A perfect day in late October, ten years ago when the world ended.
Other things

Pod-jobcest?  I have a week of office-minioning with Rob's company next week, heh.
Interview for part-time pharmcy stuff today. May or may not get it, will see.

I really need a new bike helmet.

That is all.

jobs, linkage, writing

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