(no subject)

Sep 28, 2006 13:59

Long time, no update. Considering how little I am achieving, you'd think I would find more time to spend actually taking part on the internet, aside from signing in on various messenger programs, and wandering off.

What's happened since the last time I appeared?

* Saw Children of Men. Fairly good - Linda' review level: Worth price of entry, would watch and record if it came on TV, probably wouldn't buy.

* Applied for various things, including having an interview for admin stuff with a fairly large pharm company. I didn't think the interview went too badly, although I probably could have 'sold' the idea of me working for them a bit more, but I didn't ramble, tremble or have any weird adrenaline effects, so Good Experience. Still no word on the bookshop things, although I poked someone at the desk in Heffers and they said they'd expect it to be a while until the xmas temps are needed, so hey.

Do seem to have got a week of receptionist work mid-October, which should be alright.

Jobsearch is quite discouraging at times. And I keep getting a mental block when it comes to asking dept. people if they want minions, which I'm sure I will get over, eventually. *eyeroll*

* Goth Eucharist. Very good - sermon based on 'Speak No Evil' and all about the power of words. This struck a few chords with me, as you might guess. Also the playing of Simon and Garfunkel :D
According to three separate random people in the pub afterwards, my hat apparently makes my gender ambiguous. This amuses me :P

* We have more bookshelves, a sofa on order, and I bought, assembled and varnished a big chest of drawers for my room. Go me. It now looks far more like my space, full of Discworld pictures and random stuff on the walls, and books. *happy*

* The back garden has been attacked severely, since the internet was broken on Sunday. We found several plants hidden in the huge ivy bushes at the side, weeded the beds pruned everything etc. Need some winter pansies or something to hide the large areas of bare soil now - especially after removal of the biggest freakin' thistles I have seen in a long while.

* Still haven't finished sanding my shelf. Lol, procrastination.

* Today, I am making stock, which means the house smells lovely, even if it's only boiling lamb bones! And to make bread and wheaten and various things. Feeling a bit reclusive.

jobs, stuff

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