Nov 25, 2005 21:11
latly things have been good. my family came down for thanksgiving which was fun. my brother and i decided to go to best buy for the big day after thanksgiving day sale. we left the house at 3:30 . we didnt even go to sleep bc its just easier to stay up than wake up. we got there at 4. we were prolly the only ones in that line who werent buying electronics. we just went for the fun of it, and to buy anchorman for 5 dollars. and i saw staerker there ! love that girl. today i have pretty much devoted the afternoon to listening to 99x to win myself some tickets. its a matter of personal pride now, i must get them. you kno what sucks ? when you call in and they say you are caller number 8. thats just mean. all i want to hear is that i am not number 9. i dont need to know how close i was. i just finished watching saw. what an effed up movie that was . lol i cant lie it was def good. i cant really rememeber ne thing from last week so i guess thats its for now. later .