Onorata Application

Dec 09, 2008 11:34

PERSONAL LJ: anastashial
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): louisel_tse[at]msn[dot]com
MSN: as above email/Anastashia
YIM: anastashail
AOL: anastashial
Contrary to the potential expressed for getting in touch with me quickly I am rarely up in IM unless requested or I'm specifically looking to see if someone else is there. I regularly refresh my email when I am online so the latter is really the quickest way to get me.

NAME: His full name is Leland Joseph Adama but even his PB didn't know that until quite recently and he has always gone by Lee Adama aka Apollo his pilot callsign. Lee Adama would be my preference for his tag. I am toying with bringing him in as Leonardo Giuseppe Adama for this game as he is on the lam.
FANDOM: Battlestar Galactica

CANON SYNOPSIS: Character Pictures:

New Quorum Delegate

Counselor Lee

The Beach of our Destruction

Character Description:
Age: Approx 35 adjusted to 28 for this game
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Build: slender, muscular, well toned, his military callsign Apollo is especially relevant

Special skills: War College Graduate, Military pilot, Self Defense Instructor, budding lawyer, Leadership - Commander Air Group (CAG), Commander Battlestar Pegasus, Caprican Delegate to the Quarum of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, Interim President of same.

Character Personality: Lee's often described as a stick-up-his-ass, by-the-book, overthinker. He is quiet and thoughtful, but can explode if provoked. He can make the hard choice if he has to. He's not good at inspiring with words. He was though able to win the trust of his crew by his actions in cleaning up the bad apples on the Pegasus who had gone as far as rape of a Cylon prisoner during the tenure of previous Commanders. However, also during his tenure as Commander, he and his father, the overall military leader, were forced to flee the Cylons with the two battlestars. The Cylons had found them with the majority of their population settled on a planet. His guilt and inability to act further after leaving the people behind caused him to decended to the depths of depression eating himself into an overweight state. He obviously remains guilt-ridden, at one point attempting suicide, about his many "crimes".

Character History: Im mid S4 Lee stepped down as interim President when Laura Roslin returned. To gain the release of his people from the Cylons he made an agreement to make the final leg of their journey in search of Earth together. They have just found Earth which they hoped would be their salvation but on landing find an apocalyptic wasteland. Lee as well as everyone else is devastated right now. You can see that on his face in the picture above.

Lee's mother Carolanne was pregnant with Lee before she and William Adama married so it's possible the marriage was a loveless one. Lee's father was in the military so often away and in general neglected Lee and his younger brother Zak. Yet William Adama still drilled into them the axiom that a man wasn't a man until he wore the wings of a viper (space fighter) pilot. Lee's parents divorced (most probably when Lee was in his early teens) and his mother's subsequent decent into alcoholism, if not already evident, left Lee in charge of the household and a shield for his brother. He definitely suffered emotional if not physical abuse during this period.

While probably a victim both of expectation to match the performance of his war hero father and charges of success due to nepotism Lee still did well enough in his initial military training to attend War College and be promoted early to Captain. Sometime prior to the latter Lee argued with his father on his younger brother's suitability for service as a pilot. Lee lost that argument and Zak entered pilot training. Sometime during Zak's pilot training Zak became engaged to Kara Thrace who at the time was a flight instructor. It's unclear at what time Lee first met Kara but it appears this was after she met Zak. The two probably experienced an immediate attraction for one another but were unable to pursue it due to her relationship with Zak.

Lee's assessment of Zak's unsuitability as a Viper pilot was borne out when Zak failed his flight assessment but Kara's emotional involvement led to her passing him. This soon resulted in Zak's death in a flight accident. Kara's actions were unknown to Lee who, bereft at the loss of his brother, accused his father of killing Zak. This led to their estrangement. Lee went to the Atlantia while a devastated Kara was offered assignment on her perspective father-in-law's ship the Galactica.

Two years later the Galactica was set for decommissioning and Lee reluctantly reported under orders to take part in a ceremonial fly-by. The still estranged Adamas barely made it through the publicity events and renewed their argument over Zak's death. While Lee was escorting the spaceliner carrying the Secretary of Education back to their planet the Cylons, who had not been heard from in forty years, attacked. Lee eventually returned to the Galactica and though extremely young and inexperienced was thrown into the role of Commander of the Air Group (CAG). He filled this role while rebuilding his relationship with his father and forming a stronger bond with Kara.

During this time Kara met and eventually rescued Sam Anders while Lee grew closer to Anastasia Dualla (Dee). Although in love with each other Kara and Lee had many issues, including her previous engagement to his brother and they eventually married Sam and Dee. They were soon involved in a torrid affair with each other though. During this time he became Commander of the battlestar Pegasus. He lost that ship in a fight to rescue many of the survivors of the original Cylon attacks from an occupation of a new planet they had settled.

Lee returned to the rank of Major and service as CAG. Following Kara's apparent death he left the military to defend Gaius Baltar who was accused as a traitor for collaborating with the Cylons while President during the occupation of New Caprica. When Kara returned two months after her disappearance, claiming to have knowledge of the route to Earth, Lee decided to remain a civilian and was offered a seat on the Colonial Quorum (legislative body). It was from here that he was appointed interim President following Laura Roslin's "kidnapping" while negotiating with the Cylons.

Character's Crimes: At heart Lee is a good character who believes in justice and doing the right thing. This has not kept him from doing questionable things when he believes it's right or when required by expediency.

Before the war Lee impregnated his girldfriend Gianne then told her that he wasn't ready to be a father. Stunned and upset she ran from him. Although he called out to her he never did try to find her again. Presumably Gianne and child died in the Cylon attacks.

At the beginning of the war, when Lee was aboard Colonial One with newly sworn in President Roslin, a Cylon raider popped in and out while Roslin was organizing the civilians escape. Lee recommended they leave non-FTL ships in order to save himself and the ships with FTL.

Shortly thereafter, when the Cylons were making attacks every 33 minutes, a passenger liner the Olympic Carrier disappeared. After an extended period it reappeared with evidence of a nuclear weapon onboard and headed for the Galactica. With the ship not responding to hails Commander Adama ordered it shot down. Aware that there were as many as 1300 civilian passengers still onboard and urged by his wingman Starbuck (Kara Thrace) not to act, Lee shot down the spaceliner.

Lee was sent to a prison transport, the Astral Queen to negotiate for prisoners to assist with obtaining water from ice after a sabotage caused Galatica to lose it's reserves. Overpowered by the prisoners he eventually gained the upper hand. A marine sniper team led by Starbuck boarded the ship with Starbuck as a sniper to kill the leader of the prisoners Tom Zarek. Lee saw the laser target mark and pushed Zarek out of the line of fire. He then negotiated to get the needed workers by leaving the prisoners in control of the transport much to Roslin's displeasure.

After Commander Adama and President Roslin had a disagreement the Commander decided to terminate her Presidency. Lee, a member of the boarding party sent to arrest her under the command of XO Col Saul Tigh, realized this jeopardized democracy and drew his gun on Col Tigh. Unwilling to permit bloodshed Roslin capitulated and she and Lee were taken into custody. On return to the ship Lee was taken to the CIC where he witnessed an assassination attempt that left his father incapacitated.

With Col Tigh in charge Lee gave his parole so that he could continue to do his CAG duties stating he would not suborn support for Roslin. However, as Tigh's leadership faltered, Lee organized an escape for himself and Roslin. They were later tracked down by his recovered father and things returned to the status quo.

When the battlestar Pegasus arrived and Admiral Cain took over the fleet Apollo and Starbuck were transferred there. Lee was rebuffed when he suggested to Pegasus' CAG using a Galactica's crew built stealth fighter for a recon mission. He nevertheless provided the camera to Kara and sent her off to retrieve the fighter and fly the mission. Lee was demoted to Lieutenant as punishment but Kara got promoted to CAG for her audacity getting the photos.

Sent by the President and his father to investigate the thriving black market Lee shoots and kills the boss when he can not get him to agree to terms and negotiates the deal with the remaining henchmen. Lee's ongoing liaison with a prostitute is also revealed here, but when he wants to take her back with him she rebuffs him.

When the Cylons arrive at New Caprica Lee joined his father in withdrawing from the field taking both battlestars away from the planet. When the senior Adama planed a rescue mission Lee argued against going back for the colonists left behind.

When it was discovered that a virus, left behind in a beacon placed by the 13th tribe, has killed all the Cylons on the basestar that found the beacon Lee argued for and led a mission to place the virus to completely wipe out the Cylons despite arguments by some against this potential genocide.

Despite Kara marrying Sam Anders and Lee marrying Anastasia Dualla (Dee) the two are soon engaged in a torrid affair (For some reason this one has not been making it into the actual applications as sent).

During Baltar's trial Lee got Roslin to admit taking a hallucinogenic drug and that the cancer she was using it for has reoccurred thereby casting doubt on her competency and testimony.

ONORATA-VERSE BACKGROUND: Leonardo Giuseppe Adama was born in the mountain village of Laurito nestled in Campania Region's Parco Nazionale Del Cilento. The scion of a wealthy shipping magnate he was marked from birth to inherit his father Guillermo's empire. His early life was marred by parental neglect. His father was frequently absent and even when at home worked long hours. When he did pay attention to his two sons it was with an attitude of strict discipline designed to harden them.

His mother Carolina's treatment of her out-of-wedlock conceived child, who's existence had forced her into an unwanted marriage, was to abuse him both physically and mentally while showering attention on her younger son Zaccheri. Her reaction reaction to her husband's frequent absences was to eventually descend into carefully hidden, except from her abused first-born, alcoholism. When Lee was 13 his father finally found out about her condition and divorced her but unaware of her treatment of Lee left him and his younger brother in her care.

Lee's early teens continued a challenging unhappy time for him with only haven his elderly grandfather Giuseppe, a retired lawyer. He was able to shield his younger brother who was a talented artist. At 17 Lee entered the Italian shipowners' association Confitarma's sponsored National Merchant Marine Academy in Genoa. Having spent some happy hours assisting his grandfather with legal research he elected to take substantial coursework in maritime law.

Through a series of events that Lee never understood and despite his arguments with his father that Zak should enter an Accademie di Belle Arti his brother went off to the Naval Military Academy at Livorno. While totally unsuited to the military as a career Zak managed to persevere but soon after his graduation was killed in a military exercise.

Devastated by his brother's death Lee blamed and castigated his father to the point where they became totally estranged. Leaving his post in a subsidiary of his father's company he set out to become his own man. Arriving in a small town to the south of his ancestral home he watched in anger as it's inhabitants were cowed by the local organization. He began by seeking out the local youth gangs and befriending the young men in them in an effort to "replace" someone like his brother in his life. A natural leader he soon had a loyal following.

Still angered by the plight of the people he finally approached the local boss and, idealist that he remained, proposed a program of schooling and assistance to help the young men he had gathered to him make their town a better place for it's people. Rebuffed by the don he cold-bloodily blew him away and, by force of will alone, dictated to his remaining soldiers how things were going to run. With bosses he found willing to agree to his proposal he displayed an uncanny knack for negotiating peace and forging unity. In addition, drawing on his law studies with both his grandfather and at the academy, he successfully defended one of them against a charge of manslaughter displaying brilliant legal analysis.

This pattern continued for several years as he moved south coming closer to Reggio di Calabria as he went. While Lee's persuasive capabilities grew as his organization did, the constant necessity to work against his better nature eventually wore his idealism down. The conflagration that led to the further rise of Vescovo and Monacello unfortunately saw the death of most of Lee's supporters due to civil strife and massive volcanic activity in the region. Angered and embittered at this second loss he is ready to take his frustrations out any way he can. At the same time as he reaches Reggio di Calabria the Vescovo Don is made aware of his capabilities.

(Laurito BTW is one of my ancestral homes, my maternal grandfather having been born there. I was able to make a one day visit there many years ago. Sadly I have forgot almost all of my Italian.
Relevant Regional Map on which the town is shown as Laurino)


RANK: Consigliere.
As well as his reserve military training at the merchant marine academy Lee's work with the youth gangs and co-option of a number of small organizations gives him ample experience in leadership. The addition of his legal and negotiating skills plus an actual important victory in the courtroom have prepared him for a position as Consigliere. This background, combined with his reputation for ruthlessness when necessary, might give him the status needed to assume a Caporegime position. However, at this point I would prefer to concentrate on exercising his legal and negotiating skills, combined with that ruthless determination, rather than his broader leadership skills. I want him to believe he can succeed yet again in the face of several at least self perceived failures.

Despite having been beaten by his thugs and warned away by Phelan himself Lee wasn't going to be manipulated into abandoning his task. When he got to the Prometheus and found little Paya locked in a cell with other children his ire rose even higher. "Oh, Paya. Paya! Paya, hey. Paya. It's okay, it's Lee. You remember, it's Lee. All right, you're going to be fine. I promise you. Okay, you just hang tight. I'll be right back. I'll be right back."

He pushed his way into the Boss' presence. The piece of trash attempted to manipulate him by playing on their fathers' joint history of strict military discipline. Lee ignored him and asked Phelan about Paya's mother. "Is she dead?" Lee hadn't thought he could get any angrier when Phelan twisted the knife regarding Shevon's involvement in this travesty. They'd been playing him all along.

Then Phelan once again reiterated his preferred solution, blame the murder on Fisk, and keep the criminal activites intact, despite Roslin's objection. After all, the man reasoned, they were a safety valve for a starving fleet. Lee challenged Phelan's preying on children, "and what about those children outside? How are they helping the fleet?" The man rubbed Lee's face in his own weaknesses. He was the one seeing a prostitute; he was just as clearly in the mud. Lee moved to leave but was shoved back into his seat. It didn't deter him and he laid his cards on the table. They would shut down the operation and turn Shevon and Paya over to him.

Phelan countered that Paya was no longer on the market and Lee heard Shevon gasp behind him. Getting up he moved to leave again, walking right into the gun one of Phelan's henchman aimed at his chest. While Shevon called to him to drop his challenge Lee stood his ground and urged the gunman to shoot him. "Come on, do it. Do it."

Phelan moved to drop the tension level reminding Lee he had offered him a way out of the situation. Lee turned back to Phelan and raised his gun to the other man countering with his own assessment. He agreed that totally eradicating illegal activity was beyond them right now but Phelan had crossed the line with the selling of children.

Phelan continued to discount Lee's resolve. His eyes widened in surprise when Lee pulled the trigger. "All right, it's done."Lee said to the men around him. "Fleet relies on the black market. Much as we'd like, we can't wish that away. So, you're still in business. For now. But if they are any more killings, if you hold back essential medicines, if you ever touch a child..."

It wasn't what the President wanted but he'd make it work.

He tried to make Shevon come with him back to Galactica but she was adamant in her refusal. Deep down he had to admit she was right. He was trying to make her and Paya a replacement for Gianne and his child; something he'd lost and could never replace.

"I want him dead. He's crossed me one time too many and I don't think we can trust him any more. Besides I know he cheated you out of at least part of that stash you found together. I heard him bragging about it the other night. Guess we need to get where he hid it out of him before we kill him huh?"

giuseppe adama, character traits

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