Someday, I might actually get the next chapter done. I'm working on it - Riku's not being cooperative.
Instead, have a dark little drabble that I wrote for the kh_drabble comm.
Challenge: [193] Destruction
Title: The End
Word Count: 88 (Wow. That's really short for me.)
Notes: Um. It's dark. On another note, these challenges are perfect for getting the creative muses working, which means that I may actually get something done!
Agony. It’s blinding, like sharp claws at his eyes, until he can see nothing but the darkness trying to take him, trying to pull him under, deeper into despair. It’s nothing but pure pain, and there isn’t any relief, won’t be any relief, because these creatures - no monsters under your bed - are the stuff that nightmares - but they’re just dreams, my dear - are made of. It aches and it burns, a poison, and everything is in anguish, his body, his soul, his-
And another star blinks out.