(MORALE LOG:003) [Private from the Administrator]

Dec 16, 2011 01:54

First of all,

I would like to know who's bright fucking idea it was to leave a rake laying in ze dark 'allway in front of ze suply room? I stepped on it...and it 'urt. It even left a mark, but luckily ze mask hides it. Why we would need a rake zis time of year in ze first place is beyond me. And why it was in ze 'allway...I don't even want to know. But from now on if I find any'sing lying around, I am going to 'srow it in ze incinarator to prevent future accidents.

O'zer zen zat, I 'ave no'sing else to report in zis log, aside from 'ow living wis such an incompetent group of gentlemen, as well as ze lack of battles on ze fort lately, is enough to make me resort to killing my own teammates. One of zem, very soon. I will find a way around ze stupid friendly fire cache sooner or later...

And I should probably add zat if any of you tell ze Administrator zat I 'ave returned from France, you will be joining zis unfortunate individual in 'ell. I am quite certain I know where all of ze security cameras are in zis building. I even tried to sap zem, but it did no'sing, so I will just 'ave to remember to cloak before I walk in front of zem. Lets just say she is not too 'appy wis me right now, and it is best for me to avoid 'er for a while.

By ze way...was anyone else aware zat zere is a camera in ze shower room? I assume ze Administrator 'ad it installed for reasons I do not even want to 'sink about, or per'aps someone else did? Ei'zer way, it needs to be shot out. And I am not willing to replace ano'zer one.

(OOC- sorry if this entry is lame...I thought it was time for a new one, and had nothing to talk about, but earlier this week, when I was visiting my cousin, my uncle stepped on a rake in the garage and smacked himself in the face, and I wanted to laugh so badly, but I knew he'd get mad....so now I can laugh at it happening to Spy. XDDD Also, just a heads up that I may not be around as much this weekend. I have 2 different Christmas parties to go to annnd, I should probably finish Christmas shopping and stuff, but I'll be back, I promise! :D)

you are all assholes

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