without you i would not be here

Oct 04, 2004 12:10

Our lives are made up of a serious of events that make us who we are today. Each and every event that has occurred may small or big it was as much as important as the next. Every person, everything that has touched our lives in someway or another has made us into the person we are today.

Our friends, our family, our loved ones, our enemies’ even random people they have carved us into the person we are today. May we be happy or not with who we are, we would be nothing with out them. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart; I would be nothing but a empty sack with out each and everyone of you who have touched my life in someway. I am who I am because of my family, my friends, passed loved ones, passed friends, neighbours, teachers and random people who have come into my life. Thank you with out you I would not be here today doing now what I am doing, being who I am being, seeing who I am seeing, living where I am living. thank you
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