Jul 28, 2004 17:32
So dina says i must update this thing... so here it goes... today i had to work at the roast house 11:30-3:30... I didn't wake up till 10:30 but figured i still had enough time to have breakfast and everything... wrong wrong... b/c i had to like get ready and all this other crap and to get to work on time (which i should be getting there a little bit early) i should have left at like 11:10/5 ... I didn't leave till 11:21/... it def takes longer than 9 minutes to get to work... so i was flying through the known speed trap of smithfield also known as route 7... and i thought i cleared all the places i knew where the cops lurked... but noooo... i apparently got caught... 63 in a 40... ouch... i didn't even know the cop was following me... i park and go to get out of my car and there is a cop with his lights on... i was like are you kidding me??? now at this point if i walked in to work i would be late by a couple mintues already... but now i have to talk to the cop... icky... but he ended up really nice... i was all like oh man i am so sorry... like shaken up and he was like it's alright calm down you don't have to apologize to me you need to apologize to the ppl you end up in an accident with... and was like you didn't even see me following you???... i was like no i was totally clueless i am late for work blah blha... and he is like we alright i guess i will be seeing you at the roast house when i come in... and be careful because this is a speed trap right here.... WOW what an excellent cop!!!!... so i got off what would have been like a two hundred something ticket...
then i get into work... it was a slow day... these two guys come in one looking familar... later end up realizing i know him alittle bit... he later gives me his number... but he's like umm 22 or something... hummm not gong to work... i was like aiyiyi this day is crazy... i leave work visit a few people... stop and get gas i know the gas kid and he doesn't even charge me for the gas!!! i was like no come on... he said no, no charge... what is all that?!?!?!
wow it's days like these that is apparently good to be a girl... i now know what people mean... well that was my day now i have to go do stuff and then i am going to the movies... crazy crazy