Morning after (closed to House)

Mar 24, 2007 23:17

Cuddy woke slowly, her mind needing time to process the fact that it was morning. Her mind didn't need as much time to process that, for once, she wasn't waking alone. She opened her eyes; yep, that was definitely House. True to his word, he'd taken over most of the bed during the night. Not quite as true to her word, she wasn't sleeping on top of him, but she was plastered to his side. Her arm was wrapped loosely around his waist and her leg was draped over his undamaged thigh.

House was evidently still sound asleep, his breathing slow and even. She took advantage of the moment to study his face. She'd never thought him conventionally handsome; most of his appeal came from his intelligence and wit. But when his face wasn't sculpted by pain or anger or frustration, there was something sort of endearing about him. She smiled at the thought. House would be outraged if he knew she'd used the word 'endearing' in reference to him.

Then her smile fell. For all she knew, he'd be outraged when he woke up and found her still in his bed. Or maybe not. Maybe she was anticipating the worst because that's what usually happened. She refused to feel regret, though. The sex had been good, the company as well. They'd had fun. Whatever happened now, happened.

It was always possible this would make things better between them. Not that she expected them to stop fighting or bitching at each other. That wouldn't change; it was too much a part of who they were. They were both too stubborn and opinionated to ever exist in harmony, but maybe it would make things just a little easier between them.

Cuddy let out a soft sigh and snuggled her head against House's shoulder again. Screw it. If there was going to be trouble, it would come soon enough. For now she was going to enjoy the peace as well as the feel of his body against hers for as long as she could get away with it.

greg house, lisa cuddy

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