Feb 02, 2006 21:42
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'4
Favorite Color: Green & Purple
Screen Name: laurenchae08
Favorite Band: Nickelback
Favorite Movie: The Notebook , & Broke Back Mountain
Favorite Show: Gilmore Girls , & My Own.
Your Car: 2001 Dodge Neon
Your Hometown: Clintwood, Va.
Your Present Town: Clintwood, Va.
Your Crushes First Name: Donnie
Your Grade: 10th
Your Style: Ordinary
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop? Can't say that I have,
Kissed someone in the rain? Yess
Danced in a public place? Yess
Smiled for no reason? All the time.
Laughed so hard you cried? All the time.
Peed your pants after age 8? Not that I can remember.
Written a song? Tried to at least.
Sang to someone for no reason? Yess
Performed on a stage? Yess
Talked to someone you don't know? Yess
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? What ??
Made out in a theatre? Yess
Gone roller skating since 8th grade? Yess
Been in love? Oh yess!
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you? Brandon
Tell you, I love you? My sister!
Kiss you? My mom , on the forehead
Hug you? Leah
Tell you BYE? My mom.
Write you a note? Kara Kay
Take your photo? I think (Ginger)
Call your cell phone? Walter
Buy you something? Umm , not sure.
Go with you to the movies? Leah & Kermit.
Sing to you? Jeff.
Write a poem about you? Don't know.
Text message you? Pump , I think.
Touch you? Dunno.
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed? earlier.
Time you cried? like 3 days ago.
Movie you watched? Broke Back Mountain
Joke you told? Dunno.
Song you've sang? Dunno.
Time you've looked at the clock? Just then.
Drink you've had? Dr. Pepper.
Number you've dialed? Brandon's.
Book you've read? Umm , dunno that one.
Food you've eaten? Cheese Sticks.
Flavor of gum chewed? Juicy Fruit.
Shoes you've worn? Crocs.
Store you've been in? Double quick.
Thing you've said? Bye.
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? No
Whistle? Yes
Blow a bubble? Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle? Yes
Cross your eyes? Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose? No
Dance? Yes
Gleek? What is that??
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Yess , done it plenty of times.
Speak a different language? Nope.
Impersonate someone? Yess
Prank call people? Yess
Make a card pyramid? Nope.
Cook anything? Yess.
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ... hell I don't know.
I wish ... I could sleep
So many people don't know that ... I am heart broken.
I am ... so bored & sleepy
My heart is ... broken
There , that was cool , I guess. lol *
Leave me cooments