Dec 19, 2011 11:53
My first semester of college is OVER! And now I'm blissfully happy to be home for winter break. :) All in all, I'm pretty pleasantly surprised by how well everything worked out at college for me. The college application/selection process was so stressful and seemed like it would never end. But now it's pretty amazing that I have one semester behind me at a school I really like and feel comfortable at. I'm really fortunate and determined to do the best I can there. :)
Anyway! The purpose of this post was regarding the new fic I posted about a while ago. My goal is to write most, if not all of it while I'm home for break. So I'm looking for a beta who'll not only proofread as I'm writing, but also push me along and motivate me to get it done in a timely manner. So yes, I'd like to see if anyone would volunteer to beta for me, I'd much appreciate it! Again, it's a Kradam AU based on the movie V For Vendetta. It would be cool if my beta's seen the movie, since I absolutely love the film and I really want to capture some of its main aspects in my fic, such as bringing over elements of V's character to Adam. I'm also just using most of the main plot elements from the movie, but with plenty of tweaks of course. My intention is to send my beta a good chunk (at least 5000 words) at the end of every week. And I wouldn't mind a scornful email if I don't get anything new emailed in a week. :P I don't want to let myself slack on it, and enlisting someone to keep on my case about it is probably the best method.
Soooo yesh, if anyone thinks they'd be willing and have the time to read/critique for me, that'd be awesome and much appreciated! :) Thank youu!