Well, school starts for real tomorrow. :/ By 'for real', I mean the first full day of classes. Oh joy. I'm still not feeling too good about my schedule, I don't think it's challenging enough to satisfy the more selective colleges I plan on applying to. I'll have to talk to my councilor tomorrow about that.
Field hockey's just been kind of meh. There a lot of underclassmen this year who are really good, which is great for them, but bad for me, because I have to compete with them for starting positions on varsity. I'm totally not the best player on the team, but I'm pretty decent. I hope playing all four years of high school will pay off this season. :/ But DEAR LORD, today's practice was practically the worst three hours of my life. It was about a hundred degrees outside, and sadly I'm not even exaggerating, really. Coach didn't give us an easier practice though, just more water breaks. There were like twenty minutes in the middle of practice when I was afraid I was going to pass out. And we have a game to play tomorrow in this heat. AAAAAAH. And to top it off, my left ankle started bothering me last week. I really don't have any idea what caused it to start hurting. The pain when I run on it hasn't gone away, and the trainer looked at it and noticed it was swollen, so now I'm wearing an ankle brace for practices and games. That just puts the cherry on the cake.
Also, I am really rather pissed about the jerk who flagged
slashatthedisco as having explicit adult content or what the fuck ever. Now the comm's set as 18+, and has a whole lot less traffic. So now I have all of like four readers for my fallenangel!Brendon fic, which has taken me two freakin' years to finish, and I am really pretty proud of. I cross-posted it to every FBR slash comm I could find, but none of them have much traffic anymore. :////// YEAH, IT SUCKS. Well whatever, I think this fic may be one of my last in panic fandom anyway. I have this AWESOME IDEA I AM SO EXCITED for a kradam fic. ^^ We'll see how that goes, though. I'll probably post it in the kinkmeme first for a test run before I post it anywhere else.
............................ I think I had something else to talk about, but I forget. While I was typing this I spent like an equal amount of time just staring at my icon. So cute omg :33 I love them.
For good measure, I'll add a RAWR COLLEGE at the end here. I can't wait until my applications and essays and stuff are all done and submitted. I'll feel so much better and relaxed then. :D