Clairbourn Community Page

Jan 30, 2010 20:04

CHARACTER NAME: Fabien "Spy" Devereux
FANDOM: Team Fortress 2
AGE: 39
Teacher: Guidance Counselor/French Class

HISTORY: Born in the city of Montpelier in France the boy known as Fabien was born illegitimately to an opera singer. His first few years as a newborn and toddler were spent behind the stage of French opera houses listening to the music and singing of operatic tragedies. By the age of four he had become more then a handful for his single mother and was sent to Maternelle, going to school 2 years prior to the compulsory age and in return learning before going to primary school.

During his childhood years Fabien spent most of his time going to school, watching opera, and going backstage afterwards to congregate with his mother and other singers. It was through these small outings that Fabien would learn the "secrets" of wooing the opposite sex, by hearing his mother and girlfriends speak. This was how the young man quickly became very well known for being extremely sociable with the fairer sex during his primary and secondary school years.

At the age of 17, before it was time to sit for the Baccalaureat he attempted to sing opera like his mother, but sadly he was unable to carry a tune due to his recent addiction, cigarettes. Feeling jaded from the experience he continued his test and would score a 14,06 on his test, receiving high honors. Proceeding with his education he would proceed to Paul Valery University (also known as Montpellier III) where he would receive a master's degree in Psychology followed by lesser degrees in several foreign languages.

Just fresh out of college at the age of 25 he was recruited by the Directorate-General for External Security, he would work for the intelligence agency for about 5 years until the Builder's League United showed interest in him and presented him an oppurtunity for employment. Over the last 8 years Fabien has stolen several key pieces of RED intelligence, disabled integral pieces of machinery, fooled operatives with disguises, killed several men, and slept with their mothers/other women. However just recently BLU had laid the Fabien off on "indefinite vacation" due to some budgetary issues and the fact Fabien was one of the larger line items on BLU's payroll.

And so presently jobless and about as alone as one gets Fabien decided to come to America and would over time take a job at an American Highschool as a guidance counselor and foreign language teacher. ...Or at least that's what he's claiming.

Personality: Overall Fabien is a quiet and somewhat enigmatic fellow. However after getting pass the exterior one sees that he is a surprisingly intelligent and well cultured individual. He is also a bit of a closet romantic with a slight fondness of reminiscing the several nights of passion he has had. And he remembers every girl with utmost accuracy, for he never forgets a face. When it comes to anything combat related he prefers the indirect and subtle approaches over the more direct and forceful methods. In general he is not particularly fond of violence, however he is a very goal-oriented individual and if killing someone further ensures the succession of his goal he does so with minimal contact and with no remorse. However Fabien is somewhat sociopathic in nature, he enjoys watching other people struggle and be in some kind of pain to a very slight degree and is generally always willing to play mindgames with others.

Strengths: Besides knowing several languages and exuding an incredible form of class Fabien is considered devilishly handsome and charming, most of his victims thought he was their absolute best friend. Subtlety, subterfuge, and deception are like spoken tongues to the man, his years spent behind the stage of opera houses and working as an French Intelligence Operative has allowed him to easily assume the identity and mannerisms of most adults and taller teenagers, he also seems to know how to stay out of people's sight when he needs to. Besides being both a quick thinker and a somewhat quicker runner he also has a way with people that sometimes allows people to be relaxed and friendly around him once they trust him, women often mistake this trust for infatuation/admiration.

Weaknesses: Fabien hardly ever wins in a straight fight, this is most likely the reason he has a preference of fighting dishonestly if he must. And adding onto the enigmatic demeanor of the man he has an air uncertainty, mistrust, and danger at first sight most wouldn't trust him which is why he is used to working for people's trust. His nationality doesn't help him any as well, as a French man most are under the assumption that he is snooty and pretentious. Also Spy is very bad with machines some say that even touching some will cause them to stop working or even break at times. In return he generally has to wait to ensure his gear is completely reliable and he also has to spend extra money getting some things repaired.


Kurt Goerring- Kurt and Fabien both worked for the same company and were deployed to the same site to fight "Reliable Excavation and Destruction" over land rights.  The two often refer back to "the old days" but never specifically talk about them out of respect for the dead.  Overall good friends and "war buddies", even though Kurt has since detested being involved in anything violent due to his age.

Bruce Robinson-  Former bitter enemies, the two worked for rival companies and were coaxed by their team members to kill each other.  When Bruce killed Fabien's best friend Mitch (a sniper as well) he vowed to avenge his death.  Has since dropped that vow and has accepted that Bruce is no longer his enemy as the war they waged is now over.  Bruce most likely still doesn't trust him but at least doesn't despise him.

Trevor Gilchrist-  A former student in both of Fabien's areas of expertise, Fabien's relationship with Trevor can only be described as a tangled web.  When he first met the young man he admittedly saw a bit of himself in him and he desired to nurture that through support.  Sadly in time Fabien's need for companionship overcame his paternal instincts and he became romantically involved with the young man during a moment of emotional support.  Fabien has regretted doing so ever since and has practically severed all ties and feelings he's ever had about Trevor.

Jack Napier-  A student Fabien was assigned to counsel.  As a subject in psychological study Fabien finds "The Joker" very intriguing and has actually written a report giving theory to "his condition", has also read reports on Napier and fears "helping" him may cause his "condition" to spread like some kind of virus.  Believes he has found a way to counter the problem but other matters have gotten in his way.

Michael "Pyro" Redding-  A student assigned to counseling due to a suicide attempt.  Is fond of the student and does his absolute best to help him maintain a "normal" life.  Generally talks to him on a weekly basis about anything he wants, but they generally just smoke in his office for an hour.

Parsee Mizuhashi- A student assigned to counseling due to her "conditions".  Personally feels one of her chief problems are "she was just born that way".  Often takes snarky comments from her in stride.  Is supposed to speak to student on a weekly basis but she often skips out.

Jio Freed-  Was assigned the student by default listing, has helped him with some scheduling mishaps.  However due to recent problems undisclosed people have requested Fabien to speak to him.

Jan Valentine-  The two rarely talk to each other and if they have it has been very condescendingly.  Is presently trying to find evidence to link him to the Ghouls and has assumed the identity of "The Man in Blue" to do so.

Fakir LeRiche-  Presently on friendly terms, however once Fakir assumed the identity of "The Knight" he originally saw him as a nuisance.  Now that he has blackmailed the young man but has given him no means to do so back he sees him as a means to an end and has him performing a number of jobs in secret.  In actuality intends to use him to keep the Joker occupied once the Ghouls and the mafia are gone.

Harleen Quinzel-  A student who assisted Fabien in starting the Peer Mediation program.  The counselor finds Harleen's prospects of helping others to be respectful and attainable with her ability, but is concerned that she is personally involved in some of her "peers".  Has recently told her to stay away from Jack Napier out of fear that helping him can mean dire problems for her.  Also has a tendency to assign her peers he feels couldn't "reach" because he is an authority figure.

Elena Moreau-  Recently welcomed soldier for the mafia that has been assigned to spy on Fabien.  Is aware of her presence but hasn't confronted her yet.

Sean Edmund-  Is presently assigned to the student as a counselor but rarely speaks to him.  Has had sexual relations with his mother in the past.  Greatly misses her.

Matthew Vetterlein- Has been assigned to the student as a counselor but rarely speaks to him.  Might have had sexual relations with his mother.

Giorno Giovanni- While Fabien is not personally involved in this particular student he is presently aware that the boy dislikes him for what he did to his boyfriend.  Wholeheartedly supported Trevor's relationship with Giovanni beforehand, but has since severed any means of contact with the young man since.

Dio Brando-  Although not hostile to each other by any means Fabien is aware that he has attempted to undermine Dio's authority over Gio by attempting to make him stand up for himself.  Specifically by manipulating Trevor.  Has since not spoken to the man ever since the incident with Trevor.

Rekki- Fabien enjoys being around Rekki and particularly enjoys her art, although he feels very out of place in her "circles".  However he is reticent in trusting the young artist and will not allow her to properly understand what he was and particularly what he has recently done.

Paul Atreides- Is presently friendly with the teacher but keeps him at arms length, sees him as a contact of information and "an extra pair of eyes".

Chuck Walker- Has met him beforehand in the past.  Has a tendency to antagonize whenever he's around, admittedly plays practical jokes on him whenever he feels like it.

Principal Raine Sage-  Associates in education.  Is presently keeping her at arms length due to indiscretions and unpredictable scheduling.  Thinks she is somewhat too attractive to be a principal.


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