Sep 22, 2004 16:17
The Path of Life
At first we are strong, we walk a straight path that seems to have been cleared of all obsticles, it is smoothe, easy to travel, but as time goes on, the road bends, it becomes overgrown with vines and weeds that seem almost impossible to walk through our bodies grow weak, the light that once shown so bright as the sun seems to dim a candle once lit begins to sway in the breeze it falters as if about to go out this road, becomes steep, it seems to become a cliff, jagged rocks scrape against your legs and make you want to give up and fall, but half way through this road that seems to have lost all hope, you see a shadow in the darkness who extends a hand, they are tired aswell from traveling a road to difficult to walk alone, and so you take his hand and walk with him. when you want to fall, he pulls you up as you do the same for him, the path gets somewhat easier, and it has its moments where you can walk on your own, and he lets you, but is always there beside you, just incase you fall.