May 29, 2004 01:27
1) Starting time: 12:25 am saturday
2) Full name: summer laurakathleenjeaniejelliebeanie oyaterquann
3) Nicknames: lummer....saura
4) School: refrigerator college
5) email: no?
6) Eyes: yellow
7) Height: 10' 11" (combinded that is)
8)Siblings: laura Junoir, Austin, Athena, Snuggles, moo. summer, excalibur, Aragorn, phillipe
9) Ever been kissed: NEVER been kissed....the name of the movie is NEVER been kissed...geez
10:have you cheated or been cheated on? i like to think of it as group collaberation
11) Ever missed school because it was raining? no, but that's a good excuse!! "um, i couldn't walk to school, because the rain was fogging up my glasses, and i'm deathly afraid of dying on my way to school!"
12)ever faked sick? ever bought a man thong and ran around the dollar store with it on your head and the had random people pay to get their picture taken with you? yeah didnt think so
13) Kept a secret from everyone? my mom baked pies today
14) Had an imaginary friend? i had imaginary everything
15)Wanted to hook up with a friend? well, one of laura's friends yeah...
16) Cried during a Flick? no, but i hear it's pretty intense
17) Who is your "star crush"? o meh gad..TOP 5...
1-the hunkable, JOHN CUSAK
2-Johnny Depp (oh...unholy thoughts...)
3-matthew broadrick, but ONLY in ferris bueller's day off... none of this cable guy crap
4- Keanu Reeves in a trench coat...(actually #1 for laura b. quann)
5- jared from subway
18) Ever thought of animated characters as hot? seriously...vince from 'recess' and um, well, i guess he's not animated now is he? nevermind
19) Drink: strawberry milkshake...minus the theme song
20) Food: mc-everything
21) Restaurant: melting pot...slash...ed debevic's robin...slash...olive garden...slash...mazitlan...slash...cuchina cuchina...
22) Shampoo: Mane and Tail for horses
23) Color: light urple
24) Summer/Winter? i hear she's a whore
25) Online? ..whaa?? yeah..i'm online..what does that have to do with favorites??
26) Lace, silk or satin? satin sounds like satan..."oh, my mother wouldn't let me buy red underwear, she said they were satan's panties!!"
27) Like anyone: define like...
28) Who have you known the longest out of your friends: laura
29) Who's the loudest? wait..aren't we still on favorites?!
30) Who's the shyest? summer...meow.
31) Who do you go to for advice?
32) Who do you get along with? beta fish.. yeah.. beta fish...that's my answer and i'm sticking with it...
---------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS HAVE YOU------------
33) Cried: only physically
34) Been mean: only physically
36) Been sarcastic: only verbally
37) Been yelled at: only mentally
38) Talked to someone you have a crush on? only imagatively
39) Kissed someone? i smooched matt thiessen OCT. 11, 2003 outside the showbox on 9th street in seattle after the EWTRTWT... (giggle)
40) Hugged someone: your mom
42) Wished upon a star: jiminey cricket!
43) Laughed until you've cried: only if it's questions concerning the male anatomy
44) Played Truth or Dare: only with your mom...naked
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: nope. but i saw the sky WITH the sun up, then WITHOUT the sun
50) Are you happy? jeepers batman!
51) Are you talking to someone online? i'm talking to someone..while on line
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN.......------------
52) God/Devil: only yes
53) Love: oh
54) The Closet Monster: not anymore.. we made peace and how do you get peas?? with a knife!
56) Heaven/hell: very much
57) Superstitions? i claim no... but everytime i drop salt shakers, i throw "some salt" over my "right" shoulder ......."sorry"
58) Glass half empty or half full: depends on what's in it...or if erik has written that song about summer yet...
59) Who named you? my canadian birth parents
60) Favorite quote: (finger quotation) "sorry" (end finger quotations) -Joey Tribiani
61) When was the last time you showered? New York...actually....i am right now.....
62) What was the last thing that you said when u were online? New York...actually....i am right now.....
63) What is right next to you? a lummer
64) What is your computer desk made of? "oh my gosh...laura...we could be a dinosaur! were a lummersaurus!!!" -sumer yats
65) What was the last thing that you did? a lummersaurus
66) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? who freaking cares?? HELLO! it's your honeymoon! you're going to spend most of it INSIDE anyways, and when you're not, you'll be thinking about being INSIDE, so what's the difference between hawaii and the local holiday inn?? this is how a typical convorsation abuot one's honeymoon would go
"hey how was your honeymoon?"
"well, the sheets were nice"
67) Where do you want your wedding? beach at midnight
68) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? lummersaurus
69) How's the weather? very darkishness
70) What did you do last night? MELTING POT!!!!!!! you can FFEL yourself getting fatter! oh and summer did homework and sat around thinking about the melting pot an how she wished she was a lummersarus.....but you cant be a lummersaurus with out the l-------aurus
71) Things that you find attractive about the opposite sex? okokok, so even though it's bad, and you should be focusing the Lord...but....when you see this potentially kind-of-cute guy sitting next to you...but then he goes up to lead worship, or he just kneels down right there, ou..brutally hott to see a guy in intense worship... also, if a guy knows what a lummersaurus is...i gotta get me some of that!
72) How do YOU eat an Oreo? i take like, 7... and scrape all the filling into one MEGA OREO!!
73) All time favorite TV show: redgreen
74) Dream vehicle? your mom
75) what do you want to be when you get older? a non-extinct lummersaurus....or a turtle
76) Favorite music:DELIRIOUS
77)Favorite band?relient k to the 50 3rd power ...and half full ...but only if they write a song about the lummersaurus
80) Favorite days of the week? christmas
81) Animal? cats, horses, lummers, lummersaurus
83) If you could change your name, what would it be? daughter Judy
84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yes...prince fuzzykins, tickle me turkey, geoffrey the girraffe, mr beeps, shelby leanna scott....scuba instrctor
85) The most stupidest thing you have ever done: filled this out, your mom
86) First Son's name? summer: brian lee pitman Jr........... laura: Aaron Michael
87) Husband/ Wife name? gepffrey the girraffe
88) First daughter? Samantha elise
whoa! what happened to 89? maybe a lummersaurus ate it! ooooooooo lummerized! no #89 and escape from my superior lummer isation abilities!!!!!
**New and improved 89) if you die, and you have braces they take them off before they bury you?
90) You like scary or funny movies better? question 90 sucks, so i'm gonna tell a story. my friend chase goes to church with this guy who decided that his teeth were straight "enough" and that he didn't need to keep them on for the next 3 or 4 months.. so he took them off using a spoon....this is a true story. if it's said then it's lying...if it's printed...then it's liable
91) On the phone or in person? i'm craving chalupas
92) Lust or Love: ism
93) If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? we would bind ourselves together at the left big toe...
94) Where were you born? i would tell you..but then i would have to kill you..."sorry"
95) Do you have pets? maxamillion alfonse III
96) Who sent this to you? mallory...more like...mallor-oui!!! hahahaaahaahaaaahaaah!!!!
97) What do you think about this person? she smells like cheese...and her shoes ugly
98) Your favorite songs? of all time: speak deep (by dustin!!!)::: easily lovelibertydisco by the newsboys --for the moment: toxic by brittney spears "no way!" "me too!" "ah!" "i know, i'm psycic"
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey? ism
101) Time Finished: 1:22 Am...