Mar 24, 2007 12:55
Well... that sure was easier than I thought it would be ^^;
Uh. We decided on the ice cream parlor, and it was a nice night of short walks and talking. I really played it safe and tried to keep to stories rather than opinions or debate... She's a linux geek, so it was very tempting, but I avoided anything other than some comments on code design patterns. And I quickly got off that because it was too close to 'work' stuff. I also learned pretty fast to not mention family stuff... apparently she has some issues there... oy. Poor thing, I'll be praying for her.
Wow... Uh. I'm still dazed and confused. She's a really nice person, and I probably was blushing for about 30 minutes there... starting before I even got to her (I had to find where she worked, and boy, I wish I had gone earlier, but I took a shower first).
I'm now officially... uh... stress free. Perhaps not all women are evil :D Although I have a feeling we'd never go past the friend stage at this point (which is okay with me... but I'm still a desperate guy...)
*huge sigh of "Thank goodness I kept my mouth more shut than usual"*
In other news: work work work.... I'm getting a library book on inking and will be going ink CRAZY soon. You'll probably see so much color and ink that your eyes will remain confused for days.
Creatures people have inspired (about 3... perhaps Zal has a LJ? She might like one of them)
comic on how [not] to clean a pen (about 6 to 7 panels)
Illustrations of insects (no no... not without a few 'sci-fi' changes... mostly to make them cuter)
Kitties, dogs, wolves, and people... all with fuzzy antennae?
Hahahaha... I'm so messed up. Don't worry, I won't flood this place... I'll probably just pick one and post it to prove I'm alive.