(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 01:42

I went to Rock the Universe on friday...it was pretty cool. we didnt really watch any of the concerts or anything...we just rode the rides and talked to random people...gave out hugs...lol and talked to the guy that was going around and booty danceing peoples names...hah that was great.. our room and car was so much fun. it was me , jessica, taylor, ashley,and Jessi. we were CrAzY..we went and got mountian dew from the machine downstairs and drank it at like 4 in the morning...and yeah....if youve ever been around me after i been drinking mountian dew youll know what im saying lol....i get REALLY hyper.. so we were up till around 7...and up at 10. then like 5 minutes before we checked out taylor and her dumbass self locked the bathroom door and shut it...so we couldnt open it and all our shyt was in there...so we hadda wait FOREEEEEEVVVVVEEEERRR to get all our stuff. then we went to Dennys ( the nastyest place ever...its so grosse! ) and then we came home...the car ride home was probally the funnest part of the whole trip...but yeah i wont get in to that....it would take a lonnnnnng ass time to type/read....well just say it was fun...and leave it at that.

Sara<3 Roach<3 and me went to the movies tonight ti see Garrett. hahah there was a fight between this old black gguy and and old white guy and an old white woman. and they was like yelling and hitting eachother..and the Police hadda come arrest them and evverything...that was funny to watch....the best part was watching LaReese's facial expressions.....he was looking like holy shit i cant beleive this is happening. it was hallerios....lol i was nowhere near to spelling that word right...thats ok...then we went to get pizza for dinner and then we went back to the movies  and talked to Garrett for the longest time. then after a loong time he hadda go clean the theatres and shyt so we went outside and sat around and talked and shyt and WE SAW BJ!!!!! i havent seen her in the longest time! i love that girl soo much!

Then we took everyone home and i came home....Garrett came over but my little sister and lalina hadda sit outside with us cause my moms such a bitch...but i guesse it was ok.

i dont know what it is....but theres something that makes me just always wanna be around him, look at him, or hear his voice<3<3<3<3

Yeah and today or technically yesterday (saturday) was 1 week. lol....not much but...were doin good<3
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