(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 00:14

Thursday we went on the rertreat. It was amazing. in my dorm i had Ande, JessicaP,JessicaR,Kate,Leah,Christina and Alex...soooo many laughs....soooo much fun! I love you gurlies! Thursday night at the Night Session everyone cried and yeah...it was sad. I dont know if ive ever cried so hard in my whole life. Mrs. Ditchfeild was the speaker for both session and she was REALLY good. Her message changed my life.

Friday i went to the movies with Roach,Sara,Emily,Kayla,Breanne,Megan,Dara,Tim,Tommy,Zach,Ryan,and Hunter. WOW...good times,We saw Mr and Mrs Smith (dumb movie...lol we got stuck seeing it cuz thats what all the guys wanted to see) after the movie we all got ice cream and then my mom picked me and sara and Roach up and took us to Saras. Awww...Saras dog had puppies like last week and there soo cute! we played with them for lik 2 hours and then we messed around and took a couple of pics (ill post some tomarrow) and then we watched every single episode of Andy milonakis and memorized the theme song rap hahahaha...that is my FAVORIET show!

Today i hadda wake up soo early cuz my mom hadda pick me up a 9. I went to my sisters soccer game and then came home at like 12 30 ..and went to sleep! i was so tierd....2 whole nights of no sleep lol. i slept till like 3 and then Garret called and asked if him and LaReese could come over on there break...so they came and we hung out and they made fun of me cuz i looked like a mess cuz i just woke up...and they laughed lol. lol he told me from now on he was calling me ugly girl...lol and then he called me that the rest of the time he was there so when he left i didnt give him a big hug like i usually do...so he said come here beautiful...lol so now thats what he calls me...He is amazing...i have never liked someone so much.

Guys are really staring to get stupid. all they cause is drama and pain.  Roach and Caleb arent doing so good...she loves him and everything...i think she just feels like its not what God wants. Its going to be a hard couple of weeks for her...but shell have me and sara and thats all she needs<3 Saras going through the same thing with Devon as i am with Garret..and it sucks. but at least someone knows my pain.

Ive really started to notice how my friends are changing. Im becomeing extreamly close to Roach and Sara. And i barely ever talk to Taylor anymore. That makes me cry everytime i think about her. Its almost like her mom is tearin us apart...now that she goes to a different school and her mom is so insainly over protective that she never lets her go out  i never see her anymore. Last year i hung out with mostly Alex Roxanna and Taylor and Danielle....that was our own little group. Now its like i hang out with Ande, Steph,Leah, JessicaR,Kate,Roach,Sara...that whole group. Its crazy how i now hang out with the people i hated last year...but i dont see how cuz there the greatest people...and i can not stand the people who i hung out with last year.

The retreat made me really ralize...what am i gonna do without you all next year? Who am i gonna turn to when it seems like no ones on my side? Whos shoulders am i gonna cry on? Who am i gonna run to with all my boy problems? Its gonna be sooo hard.

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