Does everyone have facebook?
These days, this activity has become an important one for the band!!
This said, recently we’ve been updating our Facebook more often. And we’ve did a splendid job to search a navigator for the page.
We present
Isn’t this punio-kun rather cute?
On facebook, punio is providing you with our latest news
For example like this
'Which Rikopin do you like the most?'
Posts like this will be posted too.
Of course the people who already have facebook,
and for the people who don’t have it yet, see this as a good opportunity to start one and try to follow our updates this way too.
That said, recently my hobby is taking pictures of punio-kun with my camera.
But I haven’t really mastered taking pictures yet ~ …….
One day I will make a collection of pictures of punio-kun
Don't use without credits