(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 22:03

Meh, things are going good

play practice makes me sore, but it's ok because Kevin and I are lords of the motherfucking dance. And he is my dancing queen. We pwn. And so do me and Colin...I also dance with him. It's fun being "suggestive" haha. The getting yelled at isnt the best, but oh well. Me and Nicole are happy bc we actually do something, instead of watching ppl do shit. Mike and I still make fun of Danielle, and rape her....which is cool. Also, me and Mike sang all the way home today to metal love ballads, and did the robot while singing. I do believe it was priceless. So all in all, play is getting fun I suppose.

So today, my cousin Danielle came up. I missed her so fucking bad, so it was great seeing her. She's prob my favorite cousin. She was here since like 3 though, lol. I didnt come home till like...almost 6. But anyways, we just hung out in the house, bc we had many things to talk about. I felt bad bc she's been through so much shit. But she's better now and i really enjoyed seeing her. She might come back up to spend the night this weekend :D. I hope soooooo

V-Day is arriving...and idk what I'm doing. I think a "romantic" day with Jimmy is in order<33

ok so bye?

♥ily ana
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