shoot me, another survey

Feb 01, 2005 16:41

What color pants are you wearing now: blue jeans I've been wearing for 879083457 days
What are you listening to right now: underoath
What are the last 2 digits of your mobile phone number: 13
What was the last thing you ate: Spanish chicken noodle soup nigggaaaa
If you were a crayon what color would you be: magenta, orange, or some cool green shade
How is the weather right now: not fun, horrible, ugly, racist, death, ew, I DONT LIKE IT
Last person you talked to on the phone: it was either Jimmy or Nicole
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: el eyes and hair
Do you like the person who sent this to you: This was not sent to me, i stole it from nicole, and i <3 her.
How are you today: meh...lazy
Favorite drink: losta i guess i really dont have one
Favorite animal:horses....or nicole's answer... kitties
Favorite sport to watch: I don't watch sports that much...maybe baseball
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark brown
Siblings:brother...he's odd
What do you do for a living: I do nothing, and have no motivation.
Favorite Month: july
Where do you call home: NY
Last Movie you watched: Collateral
Favorite day of the year: Summer is now one long day
Are you too shy to ask someone out: I don't like asking people out...way too shy...but if they ask me out thats ok lol
Summer or winter: SUMMER....didnt we previously go over this
Hugs or kisses: both
Chocolate or vanilla: depends...but most of the time its vanilla
Do you want your friends to write back: dont really care...but it would be nice
Who is most likely to respond: Nicole...bc this is her survey
Who is least likely to respond: everyone i know
Living arrangements: with my parents...thats one hell of a party
What books are you reading: I havent read a book in a long time, but right now im reading an article about pokemon being evil
What's on your mouse pad: a candian flag and it says "EH!" under it
What did you do last night: I showered, and attempted to clean my room
Favorite smells: All spanish food, anything strawberry, Victoria's Secret "love spell"
Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I'm no fucking genius
What inspires you: mucho stuff
Popcorn: White cheddar, and that kettle corn shit
favorite flower: Rose, or lily
Favorite cookie: sugar cookies, soft choc. chip, and occasionally peanut butter cookies

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