(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 08:38

I had a weird dream last night. I was still living in this house (although it didn't look like this house) with Rich Stein and company... and we were going to get this mega stero system installed in the house. However, the weird part about this system is that it required you to get $3,000 surgery along with it. I was in the hospital and they were explaining this surgery to me, showing me these metal rods they had to install in our ears to "cancel out black noise" whatever that meant in my dream. And there was some other part they had to install somewhere else so that we could change the channel, and there was a third part that I don't remember. It was really invasive and weird, (not to mention expensive) so I was like, "Eh, I just won't use the system. Is there any way the system could harm me, though, that I would need to get surgery?" And they told me the ear pins were necessary to protect severe ear damage... so I was like, "can't I just get attenuators or something?" and then the nurse lady I was talking to gave me this snappy attitude and said, "I don't know. I just work in the nurse department. I don't know anything about that". It was weird.

In other news, I wish to submit this speech into my subconscious, hoping that I will be able to recall it the next time it is applicaple, as it involves my concern for a close friend:

"I really don't think you're taking care of yourself. Forgive me for being concerned, but I'm your friend and I care about you. Eating one meal a day and getting about 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night is not my idea of taking care of yourself. Your body needs rest and it needs nourishment. If you suddenly eat something after a long period of time, your blood sugar levels spike to unhealthy levels that, if it happens consistently enough, could wind up giving you hypoglycemia. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you have it already. Look, in the end, you do what you want, but if my opinion means anything at all to you, then I'm telling you right now, that I don't think you are taking care of yourself, and it genuinely concerns me."

::Sigh:: why are some people so self-destructive?

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