The Future of Food

Oct 25, 2006 23:54

Do the world a favor and go rent "The Future of Food".

It is an incredible and eye-opening documentary on the current agricultural crisis brought about by biotechnology and genetic modification that is affecting not only our country but others around the world.

Did you know that corporations can patent a seed (that doesn't even have to be genetically modified) and that local family farmers can get sued for infringement if that seed blows onto their property, completely unwarranted, and contaminates their crops?

Did you know that the only reason farmers can stay in business is because the government subsidizes them? It costs more money to grow than farmers get in return because there is currently an OVERproduction of crops. Did you know that this overproduction allows us to export our crops to third world countries to be sold more cheaply and hence put their local farmers out of business, forcing them to try and enter their country's industrial world where there is such a shortage of jobs? I wonder how much of the current immigration problem is actually our fault.

Did you know that it is not required for food labels to state whether a food contains any genetically modified ingredients? If we don't have the right to know what we're eating, then we don't have the right to make a choice. One of the many illusions of "freedom" this country creates.

Did you know that genetically modified foods can cause allergies, can lead to decreased nutrients in food, and that it is not required for such foods to be tested before entering the market? Frighteningly enough, not labelling foods as genetically modified does not allow for any possible environmental and health effects to be traced.

Did you know that genetically modified crops reduce species diversity and has led to extinction of many varieties of crops? Did you know that the Irish potatoe famine was due, in part, to a lack of diversity in crops? Just think, if only one variety of crop is grown, and then that crop becomes vulnerable to some natural "predator", it wipes out the entire supply of that particular type of food!

Oh my god it goes on and fucking on.

I couldn't believe it.

Watch this movie.

Read labels.

Pay the extra fucking buck or so for local organic produce.

It's one of the only ways to fight this grotesque manifestation of capitalist greed.
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