Title: Between Smoke and Stone
Pairing: Luna/Theo
Prompt: nail polish
Words: 200
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Notes: More for the
Uncanon Drabble-A-Thon at
karmicsunshine. I saw these two and couldn't resist!!
Luna stretches out on the sofa, kneading Theo's thighs with her bare heels. "Tell me about your mother," she says, wriggling down into the cushions as though expecting a bedtime story.
"I don't remember much about her," he answers, considering Luna with steady, grey eyes. Of all the eyes Luna has seen -- and she has seen lots of eyes -- his are her favourite, somewhere between smoke and stone, with properties of both. Matter's fourth state, she has decided.
"Don't tell me much about her. Tell me a little."
"Oddly enough," Theo says, after pausing a moment, "I remember her feet." He traces one long finger along Luna's arch, and she grins.
"Were they lovely? Is that where you got yours?"
"... Yes, actually. She painted them. Always the same shade, some reddish-purple thing."
Luna giggles. "She painted her feet! I think we would have been friends."
Theo smiles, leans in to kiss the funny bones of Luna's ankles, bites one. "Well. She didn't paint her feet. She painted her nails. But yes. I suspect you would have."
"I would have taught her how to paint her feet," Luna says solemnly.
"I know," Theo answers. "I wish..."
"Me, too."