Title: Verb
Prompt: enthusiasm
Character/Pairing: Fred/George
Rating: PG13-R
Warnings: Twinslash. Copious f-bombs. Pointless, smutty goofiness.
Notes: This was written for
"It's a verb," Fred said, his tongue seeking out the hollow of George's throat.
"What?" George answered, his head tipping back against the wall.
"Love. It's a verb. That's what Mum always says. So you don't say it. You do it."
"Mmm. Gotcha. Didn't know you were so enthusiastic about grammar."
"I'm enthusiastic about a lot of things."
"Are you enthusiastic about fucking? That's a verb, too, Freddie."
"I like verbs."
"I like fucking."
"I like you."
"Do you like fucking me?"
"I love fucking you. That's two verbs."
"Then fuck me. That's an imperative."
"Thanks for the lesson, Professor Weasley. Now bend over and let me love you."