Title: Apology
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Prompt: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley - We had magic, this is tragic. We've lost it all, the love is gone. The end of something that was supposed to be forever.
Rating: PG13-ish
Warnings: Sadsadsad
Notes: OMG I DID IT I WROTE I WROTE I WROTE! It's a 300-word drabble for
Humpathon, but whatever! I don't care. I wrote, so I'm putting it here, because it feels like I'm writing! And seeing writing here is encouraging! So there.
He's on the couch, doing that thing where he pretends to sleep and hopes that the next day won't know the difference, when Ginny comes in.
She looks like a ghost in her pale nightshirt, and Harry thinks she may as well be, for all of the warmth between them these days. He peers through his lashes at her shapeless, pale form, waiting for her to float through to the kitchen, or to the bathroom, or to somewhere that isn't here, in the same room with him after ten o'clock at night. But she stops and hovers near his sprawled legs, watching.
She knows he isn't asleep; knows he doesn't sleep. There was a time when she would force herself to stay awake with him, to keep him company because she knew the dark was full of shapes that could morph into monsters at any moment, and she was always looking for her turn to save him.
Not anymore. There's no energy left for rescuing, and nothing worth the effort even if there was.
But still. She's watching.
Harry blinks at her and pushes himself up onto an elbow. "Ginny?" Silence. "Everything all right?"
Ginny waits as Harry reaches for his glasses and shoves them onto his nose. She comes into focus, then; becomes all of her familiar angles and curves, and the slow, sad back-and-forth of her head. "No, Harry. Everything's not all right."
She doesn't explain. She knows she doesn't need to. The answer is in the sigh of her time-softened belly against his when she crawls into his lap, the trembling frown of her kiss, the bitter, heavy weight of her breasts in his palms.
He whispers her name - Ginny Ginny Ginny - when she hikes up her hem and settles down onto him, but it sounds like an apology.
It is.