Jul 23, 2004 15:33
Wednesday, cam and i went over to kay's house for her bday. I went, bound and determined, not to get muddy, shaving creamy, chocolatey, or whatever else might happen there. So, cam and i drive up and see ann odd site, kay, caroline, sara, sarah, and nicki jo.....covered in shaving cream and silly string from head to toe. Behold, within 10 minutes, i too, had fallen victim to these women. Shot with silly string, brought to my knees begging for mercy from these relenteless hellions. Psh, yeah right, i was hauling ass after them with cans of silly string and shaving cream. Of course anyone and everyone who knows anything of me knows i can't resist an oppurtunity of fun. But yeah we stayed out and messed around on this huge slip n slide. Then, we went in the camper and chugged some chocolate syrup and ate and ate. I was actually having a great time....5 girls, and....me. Too bad no other guys came ^o). Eventually emily marshall and shelby showed up, along with katie walsh. It just got more and more fun. After the happy birthdays and chili and cookie cake and chocolate cheese cake and caramel coyote ice cream (yum yum), we all went downstairs and played ddr. Then cam and robert g. and jason showed up finally. We stayed for about another 30 minutes then eventually left. After that i went and stayed at ward's for the night. The next day i woke up and we went to the college with heath, which was only supposed to take like 10 minutes but took an hour lol, but ward and i found the auditorium...abandoned, completely dark...what almost every child has dreamed of, running around hiding in the seats and stuff and playing the piano, 'twas uber fun. Then we went to walmart to get water guns (which we didnt) then bought lots of candy from dollar tree. We went back to ward's and heath left and holly called wanting to do something. So we all decided to go watch Spiderman2. Ward and i went to eat at courthouse cafe, then walked back to his house (well we met bush coindidentally so he took us the rest of the way). It came around movie time and holly showed up and we got caroline and sarah and nicki jo and emily to along with holly, ward heath, and i. Unfortunately, sarah's and caroline's mothers came.......but it still was pretty fun. O, yeah and the movie is really good. After the movie heath n holly n ward and i went to McDonald's and then back to drop heath off at his house. Then ward n holly and i went to ward's and played ddr and stuff. Afterwards holly took me home and i went to bed. And so far all i have done today is swim.... But yeah now im gonna go eat.