Mar 04, 2007 00:07
not like anyone actually reads this anyway. maybe some of you that are actually that bored, but i am definitely bored enough to be writing in here.
soo...whats new?
i have my own car now. a black scion TC. shes fucken gorgeous, even with bird shet all over the windshield, shes still beautiful. shes an automatic, which i'm pretty bummed out about, but whatever. at least my arm isnt all tired during traffic.
is whoopin meeh in the ASS.
chemistry-fuucken hardest shet i've ever taken in my life. i have a midterm this friday. i'm screwed.
biology-not too bad. i'm gonna pass, thats for fucken sure, betch!
american studies-once a week class that i dont pay attention to, but i need to cuz i have a midterm next week. havent studied one bit.
i love em. barely see em, wish we spent more time together, em to death.
i miss my bestest and my awesomest.
bestest is doing her thing at LSU
awesomest is doing his thing in florida. buuut, i get to hang out with awesomest this monday or tuesday! SO EFFIN STOKED!
fullerton friends are awesome. they're good people. good times always.
love em. my parents are funny. they make me laugh.
brother and sis-in-law...dont know what they've been up to. but i miss them a looooot!
dont frustrate and confuse me anymore.
i like one and ONLY one.
i'm very happy where i am right now. =)
is lame. i'm over it.
if it werent for all the free shet and they're flexibility with my schedule, i'd be out.
they dont pay enough.
to coffee. trying to cut back. its horrible. but i love it.
life is good. besides school, which takes up more than half of my life, i'm a happy camper.
good night biaatch!