♎ Second Hanging: Decorating Log ♎

Dec 24, 2011 22:11

[Backdated to December 23rd]
♎Afternoon: Action at 2235 Stevens Road

[You can hear the wonderful cackle of a certain legislacerator. She's dressed accordingly, after some trouble. She's wearing a lot of red and seems to be humming in a surprisingly cheerful mood.

It was actually quite eerie considering what she was doing.

Why was anyone actually letting her do this...? She's blind for gog's sake!

No matter. If you happen to walk by, you can notice an array of plushies on the front lawn. They come in all shades of red, brown, and yellows. But what is she doing? Why, she's hanging them from her Christmas lights. Each plushie is hanging as thought they were on trial and being hung. She giggles lightly. She can't admire her handiwork, but she is sure others could.]

Beautiful! Bautiful. Hang my little darlings! Show everyone what happens when one sins. I am sure this home is the most beautiful now. The most wonderful of houses.

♎Afternoon: Phone

Delightful isn't it? Everything is just delightful.

You know what needs to go? These fakes. Pretending to be close ones and trying to deceive us. But I cannot be deceived by them. My eyes do not see what hocus pocus others might see.

We should hang those fakes you know. Have them begone already. Why should we let them be when they are obviously planted to mess with us? [She says this gleefully.]


!ic, wow what is this post even, trolls gone wild, troll society is fucked up, *event, redglare is a crazy bitch, might be crazy, best decorations ever, shut the fuck up and suck my dick, deck the halls with bouts of hangings, @mayfield_rpg

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