Singularity_RPG Application

Dec 01, 2010 01:13

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Kim
OOC Journal: _rakugosha_
Under 18? Nope. 20.
Email/IM:, xsmokinbombx(aim)
Characters Played at Singularity: N/A

Character Information ;
Name: Neophyte Redglare
Name of Canon: Homestuck
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: N/A
Reference: Ancestor Info | Alternia Info | Homestuck Info

Canon Point: When she's hung at the end of her timeline by the crowd controlled by Mindfang.

Alternia is the planet in which the trolls, such as Redglare, exist. The most notable species that exist on Alternia are the trolls and lusus. There's really no indication of other species that are worth mentioning. The lusus and trolls have a co-dependent relationship though.

The planet itself has varying terrain and has two moons and a sun. The Alternian sun is extremely harsh though. Anyone who looks into it are blinded by it and most trolls are unable to handle it. Because of this, most trolls are nocturnal, as they prefer the cool nights.

Troll society is harsh. Because of the Scratch, their once peaceful society had to change to be able to survive the session. The Ancestors had also participated in a session of their own. However, because their society was kind and peaceful, they were not ready to play such a game. Losing was inevitable for them. The ancestors would seek advice from the mother of all monsters. She told them of The Scratch. The Ancestors agreed to perform The Scratch, which would reset everything. By agreeing to this, the whole Alternia world would be changed so that they would have more favorable conditions when they start. By agreeing to this, they forfeited their knowledge of the game and lost their memories. The Ancestors also would not be the players of the new session. Instead, they would become the trolls' ancestors while their own ancestors would become the players for the new session (who consider themselves descendants). Because of The Scratch, Alternia was basically flipped upside down. What was once a peaceful universe was no longer such. Alternia now was a difficult place to live. Living was an uphill battle right from the get go. The trolls had to go through many hardships just to be able to live. The caste system also came in due to the scratch. The Scratch itself brought Doc Scratch to oversee their planet. He was created well before the planet itself, but The Scratch had brought him to oversee the development of the planet. It is most likely that Doc Scratch was to make sure that Alternia would continue to be like this to serve his ultimate purpose. Redglare lives in this time, where the conditions were rough, and it was an uphill battle to survive as soon as they were hatched.

Trolls are born differently from humans. They don't really have parents. When trolls have very strong feelings for each other (be it Red or Black), they give their genetic material to the Mother Grub via buckets. All the genetic material is mixed together. The results come from the trolls with the strongest feelings.

The Mother Grub lays the eggs and the trolls hatch from them. From there, they find a place somewhere in the underground breeding cavern to make their cocoon. Once hatched, the growing troll grubs have to go through harsh trials in the caverns. If they are able to survive the dangerous trials, a lusus will choose one of the grubs and the troll leaves with them. The lusus are usually matched through the caste system.

From there on, the troll and lusus are co-dependent to each other. The trolls will then build their hives. They have carpenter drones to help construct the actual building while the troll gives directions and instructions on how they wish their home to be like. From there on, how the troll lives his or her life is up to them.

While the Pre-Scratch Alternia was different from the new Alternia, Modern Alternia and Ancient Alternia are much different too. A lot of Ancient Alternia seem to take aspects of an older era. There were no technology that we're familiar with the kid trolls. There weren't computers and everything was documented through writing. Ancient Alternia seem to be similar to our Victorian era based on the roles many had and the system they followed. Examples would be the Condesce being the empress over everyone. Mindfang being a pirate and was involved in pillaging and piracy. Redglare was a legislacerator, and probably dealt as the deciding judge and was in charge of overseeing executions. She also oversaw the trials and hangings, which was probably their usual sentences during that time. It was much less modern during that time and more primitave.

There is a steampunk attribute to the world though. Even though things are similar to a Victorian era, we have advances in robotics and weapons. Mindfang, for example, receives a robotic arm later, yet computers don't exist at the time.

Troll romance is much more difficult then human romance. There are four quadrants. The four quadrants are split in half between red and black (redrom and blackrom).

Flushed: Symbolized by a red heart. Those who are flushed are considered the closest to what humans consider romance. They are called matesprits. They have very strong affections towards each other. Those who are flushed usually have very high chance to be able to give successful genetic material.

Pale: Also called moirails. Moirails are more then just guardianship and being best friends. Moirails keep each other in line and the feelings are platonic.

Caliginous: This quadrant is the opposite of the Flushed quadrant. This is derived strongly from hate. The two are considered each other's kismesis. The feelings are derived from hate and rivalry. There's also sexual tension involved, which it is also considered a romance.

Ashen: The Aupistice. It requires three trolls. One troll is a mediator between the two trolls who are rivals towards each other. They keep the relationship functional and keeps it from becoming a kismesis.

Hemospectrum/Caste System:
The troll race revolve around a caste system based on the color of their blood. Trolls have different colored blood. Their blood decides what class they're forced under and it also decides the level of their lusus.

On the top of the scale is the Empress. The Empress will have Tyranian purple blood and she will also be a sea dweller. The following after the Empress would be sea dwellers with purple blood.

The land dwellers are always beneath the sea dwellers. Those on top of the scale as far as land-living trolls goes are those with blue blood. The levels then fall from green to yellow then to red. Redglare is a teal blooded troll, so she sits somewhere in the middle of the scale.

Their blood tends to mirror how they live their lives. Lower class trolls have simpler dwellings and lusii while those higher on the scale have much more capable lusii and higher standard of living. Redglare probably lives in a moderately pleasant hive. However, she's very rare in the sense that she has a dragon lusus, as it is not usually the norm.

The Signless:
The Signless was one of the twelve who were born into the new harsh Alternia. However, things were different with him. Because the Signless had mutant blood (it was bright candy red), he would not receive a sign. Thus his name. It is because of his mutant blood though, that the Signless had visions of Alternia before the scratch. He started to remember bits and pieces of it. He did not see the full picture, know of Doc Scratch, or his previous incarnation's role in it. But the visions sparked him to have purpose in his journey.

The Signless started to travel, preaching what he saw and the concept of forgiveness, compassion, and equality. At first, he only chose carefully who to preach to, but the higher ups eventually knew of what he was doing and had him captured.

His preachings lead to a war, although it was short-lived and easily crushed. The higher-bloods had the full support of the Condesce.

When the Signless was captured, he would be put to the irons. The temperature of them would be decided if he failed to recant. It was then that his compassion all turned into rage. The rage burned stronger then the irons themselves. It was redder then even his own blood. His anger ran through the cosmos as his Vast Expletive, and final sermon, the truth of his teaching hidden in it.

His surviving disciples would hide and only speak in hushed whispers of his teachings. They wore a necklace that had the same shape as the irons that held the Signless when he was captured (Redglare has one as she is secretly a disciple who follows his work).

Redglare is a confident person. She has strong confidence in herself and what she does and it cannot be wavered or stopped when she decides on something. This makes her incredibly stubborn, which makes sense, as she attained the job as legislacerator, despite her blood. She is extremely intelligent and keeps to her studies quite diligently to the point where she becomes condescending towards those who seems to show signs of a lack of knowledge towards certain fields during conversation, especially if it pertains to the law. Although she is condescending, she upholds extreme professionalism, as befitting to her work. She is fair in her treatment towards others and speaks civilly and politely when it is required to be so. Her fair treatment is her extension towards her mindset. As someone who represents the law and justice, she believes she must be fair in everything. So she judges those fairly and treats them as so. However, she can be harsh to judge, and once she has passed a certain judgment, it would take a lot for her to change her mind.

She has an almost unhealthy obsession with the law. She spent her life studying Alternian law and worked hard to get to her rank.

She really is quite weird though. Her obsession with knowing and learning things is barely anything. Due to her blindness, she has to see the world in a different way. Because of this, she has quite a few quirks. She likes to smell things and taste things especially. She's naturally curious, especially in a new setting. She also doesn't have a full grasp of what is exactly socially acceptable in any culture. She finds that killing is not offensive, seeing as it was normal in her life. She also doesn't realize the type of contact she exhibits to be something that is weird, which might make her a bit naive in that sense.

Although she usually acts mature and polite though, she's obviously got a very childish side to her. She's quite snarky and isn't afraid to start altercations of any sort for her own enjoyment. She loves to manipulate others into doing things, although she usually does it as a bit of a prank or to further her knowledge of something. She's bold and unafraid and very much enjoys a little fun.

Perhaps unlike those around her, she isn't afraid to articulate what needs to be said or done. If one needs to be told something, she will say it. If there is an action she should perform, she will perform it. She's extremely passionate of what she believes in and refuses to let anyone or anything change that about her.

She's inexperienced though. It's not to say that means she's incapable, but she still has a lot to learn and understand about people and the world around her, although she's very passionate in figuring those parts out.

Her humor is quite dry and she tends to be rather sarcastic, which probably results in her condescending tone at times. She also really does ruffling feathers and annoying others with her chatter. She also will always call people out on making jabs at her being blind and will often make sarcastic remarks if you mention seeing, even though you sometimes don't mean it.

She's can be rather tactful, seeing to it that she does her work with her best performance. It results in her seeing what she's up against and what she has at her advantage. She might rush into things through impatience at times though, which is a result of her inexperience.

Because she believes to represent justice, she has an obsession with being perfect, She believes that she has no time to make mistakes or to have flaws, so she makes sure to do nothing but perfect work and do her most best effort to avoid missing something. Because of this, her ways are slightly unorthodox. She will not be the type of person who will not go through belongings or private matters for her leverage or gain. It it means bringing true justice to light, she will do whatever it takes to uncover what needs to be uncovered.

She's a follower of the Signless. She wasn't around or much too young when he was alive, but she believes in his teachings. She considers all to be equal and doesn't care much for the caste system. She isn't open about being a follower though, most likely to keep herself from being killed.

Abilities, Weaknesses, and Power Limitation Suggestions:
Due to Redglare being blind, she has other means to get around. Her smelling, tasting, and hearing is enhanced. Her smelling and tasting especially. She can smell and taste colors, and can even smell text. Surprisingly, she can actually 'read' conversations via text, which makes things convenient as a lot of things are obviously text based. To some extent she can even smell (or taste) deceit in text, which may be a skill acquired due to her obsession with her work.

She has quite a lot of quirkyness that goes with this, as she'll probably have the tendency to smell and even lick things and probably people if given the chance.

She's extremely gifted with her staff as a weapon and has an immunity to being controlled through the mind. There's a chance she might be immune to anything that affects her mind, such as her mind being read, although there's no canon source for whether that is or not.

She has control over her lusus pyralsprite, which is a menacing dragon with bright eyes.

Also, due to the harsh conditions of living on Alternia, she is a skilled fighter, as she needs to be able to survive.

Redglare is still (hence her name, Neophyte). She will still perform beginner mistakes and she's prone to getting ahead of herself or getting to cocky. She's not as experienced and she definitely doesn't have all the wisdom someone with more experience would have. She probably underestimates her opponents often, seeing as she doesn't always have full knowledge of who she may go up against, which can put her to a disadvantage.

Her powers aren't over the top though. Other then her ability to smell and taste, she uses it for mostly getting around in place of her loss of vision. She's a stronger fighter, being a troll, but that doesn't make her unstoppable and she still can be taken down by more experienced beings.

Because of the troll's harsh upbringing, they are much sturdier then humans and are stronger as a race. They aren't amazingly stronger, but they're more fit for battle and combat. Their bodies are probably able to take more damage as a trait for survival.

An example would be Mindfang. Due to Redglare's pyralsprite and Redglare herself, Mindfang lost one of her arms and an eye. Even with that though, Mindfang was able to fight off the pain and was still able to go against His Honorable Tyranny and escape. Another example would be when the Signless was captured. Even despite the injuries and the hot irons he was put into, he still lived on until he was eventually killed. These are just some examples of how they can still function and fight even when they're injured.

-Legislacerator Outfit
-White Dragon Cane
-Red glasses
-Signless necklace

Like all trolls, her skin is greyish and she has candycorn horns potruding from her head. Her eyes are pure red behind her red visor, although she rarely takes them off. Sometimes if they fall a little too low on the bridge of her nose, you can see them.

Her horns are medium length and are sharply pointed up.

She has messy, short hair that's layered and flairs outward.

Her costume is a mix of teal and red. Her top is red, with the Libra symbol on the front and is short and cuts right under her chest. There are no sleeves on her top and she wears a teal body suit underneath with a black stripe where her stomach is. The top is curved to mimic the Libra symbol again.

She wears red gloves and a red skirt that cuts at the sides to make movement easier.

She wears white boots or shoes with thigh high, red spats over them.

Age: 13 Alternian Solar Sweeps; 26 Human Years

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across? N/A
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test? N/A
And What Did You Score? N/A

Samples ;
Log Sample:
Her feet touched the stony, cold floor lightly as she made her way through the prison. Most were empty. It almost seemed silly to have it. Those who were captured were usually dealt quickly. Their system was quick, as it should. No rest for the wicked and there was definitely no reason to prolong anything when those who were in there were there for a very good reason.

But it was different. She wasn't just escorting some no named villain to be hung. Oh no. This time, it was someone who was particularly infamous. Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. How gleeful it was to have her behind bars. "Mindfang is it? I believe it is finally time for your trial. There is no reason for you to speak of course. The system will find you guilty of all charges. We have more then enough evidence to hang out without this trial, but the crowd wants a show. I cannot say anything against my superiors, although I would have rather just kill you right then and there if they did not want you alive to do this." She didn't like it. When those who didn't understand her work getting in her way. But she could not say anything against them. She had a feeling that this wasn't a good idea, but it was too late.

She would escort Mindfang to her execution and that would be the end of it. Redglare had no idea that the crowd would be pit against her through Mindfang's powers and she would be hung that day instead. Still, she escorted Mindfang off to what should have been Mindfang's end and not herself. Right now, all she cared about was finishing her work completely. Capturing the other. Seeing her death. There was no margin of error to assume that this would be done unless she did it herself. She hated that those she must submit to were able to pull strings though. If she could have decided Mindfang's fate, she would have gotten rid of the other already. Why prolong what was to be served? Why make a spectacle about it? Justice is blind. She needs no show. She only needs to do what she stood for. That was at least how Redglare felt about this.

No matter. Whether or not someone wanted to prolong the inevitable, she would go forward with the hanging. She refused to let someone else finish this.

It was her job.

Network Sample:
I do not smell a slimy, spider bitch here. How peculiar. Just moments before I was about to be hung.

I am not disappointed at this of course. It just means I am not home anymore am I?
Of course not.
That was a dumb question.
This place smells nothing like Alternia.

So let us just dispose of the usual greetings you give to new people.
No, you do not have to tell me I've been taken from my home. I'm quite aware of that already.
Hello, my name is Redglare. There. Now you have a name to go by.
No, I have not been told as to what this place is exactly.
Since I have so kindly already fixed what usually ends up being a time waster, you can go straight to the point.
Where is this?
How did I get here and why?
Means of leaving if applicable.

Oh, and since I am on a roll, what do people do here to pass time and relieve boredom?

The reason that Redglare doesn't have a text quirk is because technology wasn't something they really had in the past. There aren't any real written documents that are mentioned, other then Mindfang's journal, so it could be presumed that there wasn't a way to really hold onto a text quirk.

Also, as a legislacerator, I imagine that Redglare would be professional in typing without the quirk since she is sure that not everyone would have the mental capacity to understand something as special as a text quirk to convey oneself. She still holds onto the color font because that's the color of her blood and she has no qualms of others knowing of it. She does type without any contractions though. Since she is an older troll, I imagine her seemingly try to be more professional and to talk more formerly in some senses to reflect her age.

Also, based on a page of Mindfang's journal, it didn't look like there's a number system at that time involved in writing. It could very well be that when we read her journal, it is Vriska translating the Alternian language into English.

application, @singularity_rpg, !ooc

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