♎ File: Neophyte Redglare ♎

Jul 15, 2013 05:44

Player Information

Name: Kim/Raku/Kimba
Age: 20
AIM SN: xsmokinbombx
MSN: crescentmoon275@hotmail.com
Plurk: RakuRanger
email: crescentdrops@gmail.com

Mayfield_RPG Information

Housing: 2235 Stevens Road
Deaths: None
Family: Bang Shishigami(Husband), Terezi Pyrope(Daughter)
Job: N/A
[♎] Smell/Taste Abilities
[ ] Original Body
[♎] Legislacerator Outfit
[ ] Pyralsprite Lusus
[ ] White Dragon Cane
Arrival: December 2011
Note: This information only applies to mayfield_rpg and is not applicable to any other game.

Character Information

Canon Source: Homestuck
Canon Format: Webcomics
Character's Name: Neophyte Redglare
Age: 13 Alternian Solar Sweeps or 26 Human Years
Character History:
Ancestor Info | Alternia Info | Homestuck Info

Due to Redglare being blind, she has other means to get around. Her smelling, tasting, and hearing is enhanced. Her smelling and tasting especially. She can smell and taste colors, and can even smell text. Surprisingly, she can actually 'read' conversations via text, which makes things convenient as a lot of things are obviously text based. To some extent she can even smell (or taste) deceit in text, which may be a skill acquired due to her obsession with her work.

She has quite a lot of quirkyness that goes with this, as she'll probably have the tendency to smell and even lick things and probably people if given the chance.

She's extremely gifted with her staff as a weapon and has an immunity to being controlled through the mind. There's a chance she might be immune to anything that affects her mind, such as her mind being read, although there's no canon source for whether that is or not.

She has control over her lusus pyralsprite, which is a menacing dragon with bright eyes.

Also, due to the harsh conditions of living on Alternia, she is a skilled fighter, as she needs to be able to survive.

-White Dragon Cane

Character Personality:
Redglare is a confident person. She has strong confidence in herself and what she does and it cannot be wavered or stopped when she decides on something. This makes her incredibly stubborn, which makes sense, as she attained the job as legislacerator, despite her blood. She is extremely intelligent and keeps to her studies quite diligently to the point where she becomes condescending towards those who seems to show signs of a lack of knowledge towards certain fields during conversation, especially if it pertains to the law. Although she is condescending, she upholds extreme professionalism, as befitting to her work. She is fair in her treatment towards others and speaks civilly and politely when it is required to be so. Her fair treatment is her extension towards her mindset. As someone who represents the law and justice, she believes she must be fair in everything. So she judges those fairly and treats them as so. However, she can be harsh to judge, and once she has passed a certain judgment, it would take a lot for her to change her mind.

She has an almost unhealthy obsession with the law. She spent her life studying Alternian law and worked hard to get to her rank.

She really is quite weird though. Her obsession with knowing and learning things is barely anything. Due to her blindness, she has to see the world in a different way. Because of this, she has quite a few quirks. She likes to smell things and taste things especially. She's naturally curious, especially in a new setting. She also doesn't have a full grasp of what is exactly socially acceptable in any culture. She finds that killing is not offensive, seeing as it was normal in her life. She also doesn't realize the type of contact she exhibits to be something that is weird, which might make her a bit naive in that sense.

Although she usually acts mature and polite though, she's obviously got a very childish side to her. She's quite snarky and isn't afraid to start altercations of any sort for her own enjoyment. She loves to manipulate others into doing things, although she usually does it as a bit of a prank or to further her knowledge of something. She's bold and unafraid and very much enjoys a little fun.

Perhaps unlike those around her, she isn't afraid to articulate what needs to be said or done. If one needs to be told something, she will say it. If there is an action she should perform, she will perform it. She's extremely passionate of what she believes in and refuses to let anyone or anything change that about her.

She's inexperienced though. It's not to say that means she's incapable, but she still has a lot to learn and understand about people and the world around her, although she's very passionate in figuring those parts out.

Her humor is quite dry and she tends to be rather sarcastic, which probably results in her condescending tone at times. She also really does ruffling feathers and annoying others with her chatter. She also will always call people out on making jabs at her being blind and will often make sarcastic remarks if you mention seeing, even though you sometimes don't mean it.

She's can be rather tactful, seeing to it that she does her work with her best performance. It results in her seeing what she's up against and what she has at her advantage. She might rush into things through impatience at times though, which is a result of her inexperience.

Because she believes to represent justice, she has an obsession with being perfect, She believes that she has no time to make mistakes or to have flaws, so she makes sure to do nothing but perfect work and do her most best effort to avoid missing something. Because of this, her ways are slightly unorthodox. She will not be the type of person who will not go through belongings or private matters for her leverage or gain. It it means bringing true justice to light, she will do whatever it takes to uncover what needs to be uncovered.

She's a follower of the Signless. She wasn't around or much too young when he was alive, but she believes in his teachings. She considers all to be equal and doesn't care much for the caste system. She isn't open about being a follower though, most likely to keep herself from being killed.

profile, @singularity_rpg, !ooc, @mayfield_rpg

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