Things in portland i miss: a ramble.

Apr 18, 2005 23:01

Wife. Son. Home. These will, fortunately, return in relatively short order.

Bars. Sometimes, even the goddamn smoke. Strip clubs with alcohol and nudity and no cover.
Dyke dives where the bartender remembers my drink. Drag King extravaganzas. Mrs. C's Wigs.
Actual musicians playing fantastic original music at small venues, without a cover.
Karaoke, in all variations.
All of these things, every night of the week.

Useful Light Rail (one that, you know, goes somewhere).
Big motherfucking bike lanes. Bike racks on every bus, bus lines to just about anywhere.
Being able to get to the other side of town in 20 minutes... during rush hour.
Giant men in biker leathers riding around on vespas. Teeny tiny mod kids in suits doing the same.

Frequent mass civil disobedience. State Health coverage for the poor. Locally owned stores. Food co-ops.

Monday night D&D. Pretty regular Shabbat with T&D.

Did i mention the river of honeyed milk that runs down the middle of town?
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