(no subject)

Jan 24, 2008 02:27

Canon History: Born to a couple in Detroit Matt lost his mother at birth, and was raised by his father until he was six, when his father was killed in a hit and run accident. He was taken to an orphanage where he spent three months causing trouble, stealing and trying to run away, unwilling to trust his new caregivers and finding it hard to get along with the other children.
During this time however, a teacher at the orphanage began to notice the scruffy boy's intelligence, far above average for his age and since the boy wasn't fitting in there he decided to make a call to a special orphanage in England, the Whammy House. Barely a week later a man named Roger came to pick him up, explaining that he was taking him to another orphanage where children as intelligent as him were given the chance to expand their minds and be taught far more than a normal child, and ultimately have a chance at succeeding the worlds most famous detective L. At the time Matt didn't think he had much choice in the matter and hating the place where he was now, agreed to go to England.
However just like the previous orphanage, he failed to fit in. Withdrawing from the other children and their games he took refuge in playing video games and hiding away indoors, taking the property of the other kids there whenever they annoyed him. The goal of becoming L had no appeal to him, he had no real interest in following in the footsteps of the other children's idol. Somehow though, he maintained an easy third place, behind the top child Near and another boy, his best friend, Mello.
In 2004 L was embroiled in the Kira case, chasing down a criminal who had taken it upon himself to kill every criminal in the world using a Shinigami's murder tool in the form of a notebook, and in doing so become the worlds new God. A persons name only had to be written down in it and their face pictured in the writer's mind for them to die. Kira defeated L, killing him, and when the news reached the Whammy's house Mello chose to leave, make his own way to destroy Kira rather than working with his hated rival Near. After he left Matt remained at the Whammy House a few more years, mainly because he was still just a kid, but on his sixteenth birthday he left the orphanage behind and took off to America. There he spent the years until he was nineteen hacking, taking odd jobs and keeping an occassional eye out for any sign of his friend.
Mello eventually contacted him shortly after he detonated his headquarters to escape Kira, Mello having joined the mafia to gain power enough to get hold of one of the notebooks Kira was using. Matt helped him recover from the burn wounds he'd recieved from the explosion and the two eventually ended up going to Japan, spying on the second Kira Misa Amane and coming up with a plan to kidnap Kira's elected spokewoman Kiyomi Takada. In this plan Matt played the distraction, drawing away the bodyguards so Mello could get Takada onto his bike and get away. The plan went wrong though, Matt ended up cornered and was shot to death by the bodyguards. Mello died shortly afterwards thanks to a piece of the Death note Takada had hidden on her which he failed to find by not searching her properly.
Thanks to this however Near was able to figure out Kira's plan and so defeat him and his followers.
Deviation: When Matt was thirteen, things changed for him and Mello.
It was at this time that L died, killed in a plane crash, leaving Near as his chosen successor. Mello, who had always pushed for the top spot, and who wanted to be L more than anything couldn't stand this and chose to leave, and Matt followed. Uncaring about justice, L or anything else, all he cared about was sticking with his best friend. The only person he found interesting, and who could keep life from being boring (outside video games of course). It wasn't long before, under Mello's lead, the two became embroiled in the world of crime. Mello's ambitious plans with Matt's hacking skills and their combined intellect and knowledge of the police forces and how they worked meant that soon they moved up the ladder of criminal hierachy, making their names in the underworld. Eventually Mello reached the top, taking out the boss before presenting his head to the rest of the group, from there on he was the undisputed leader of the LA mafia division and eventually merged it with other nearby Mafia groups as well. Mello sat as the Boss with Matt as his faithful subordinate.
Of course, two such talented criminals soon attracted the attention of talented law enforcers, namely the best, L, also known as N. Now with Near pursuing them, the two were under more pressure, fighting to continue their crimes, avoiding capture and the death penalty. Mello was determined to beat Near, and Matt was determined to help Mello, following him wherever he went, and obeying his every word.
At the time he was brought to the glass tower, Matt had just turned 24 and he and Mello had escaped a police raid on one of their bases, Mello detonating the building with bombs he'd had laid inside the walls when it was built (without Matt's knowledge). Matt had gotten his friend to one of their bolt holes in LA, cleaned up his wounds as best he could and was waiting for the all clear to move Mello somewhere safe and to a doctor.
Personality: Easily bored, thats how one would describe Matt. Gifted with a short attention span that takes a heck of a lot to keep interested, Matt rarely invests much time in doing anything. So far only two things have been worthy enough to keep his attention for more than a little while, video games, and his friend Mello. With a daily dosage of cigarette's to keep his addiction going.
Really, if it wasn't for these things, Matt might have long ago slumped into a well of apathy and never emerged. These things keep him grounded to the world, people and life itself.
A smart mouthed, independent and largely uncaring man, he probably wouldn't give a shit about whether anyone lived or died, so long as it wasn't Mello. Anyone would be hard pressed to get above 'acquaintance' in his eyes. He'll talk with you, joke with you, maybe even sit and have a drink, but never think you're really his friend, not unless you're something special, and its doubtful you are. Thats Mello's spot and that how it'll probably stay thanks.
He'll shake your hand and blow your head off, all with the same dull, bored expression in his eyes, filtered through goggled lenses. Not that you'd think it when talking to him, he actually comes off as somewhat goofy on occassion, and has a habit of giving nicknames to people he likes. If people didn't know his occupation, he'd probably seem like any other normal guy you might meet on the street.

Personality: Easily bored, thats how one would describe Matt. Gifted with a short attention span that takes a heck of a lot to keep interested, Matt rarely invests much time in doing anything. So far only two things have been worthy enough to keep his attention for more than a little while, video games, and his friend Mello. With a daily dosage of cigarette's to keep his addiction going.
Really, if it wasn't for these things, Matt might have long ago slumped into a well of apathy and never emerged. These things keep him grounded to the world, people and life itself.
A smart mouthed, independent and largely uncaring man, he probably wouldn't give a shit about whether anyone lived or died, so long as it wasn't Mello. Anyone would be hard pressed to get above 'acquaintance' in his eyes. He'll talk with you, joke with you, maybe even sit and have a drink, but never think you're really his friend, not unless you're something special, and its doubtful you are. Thats Mello's spot and that how it'll probably stay thanks.
He'll shake your hand and blow your head off, all with the same dull, bored expression in his eyes, filtered through goggled lenses. Not that you'd think it when talking to him, he actually comes off as somewhat goofy on occassion, and has a habit of giving nicknames to people he likes. If people didn't know his occupation, he'd probably seem like any other normal guy you might meet on the street.

Appearance: 5'6 with short red hair and murky green eyes, Matt has a short, skinny form made up of a lot of sharp angles. He's pretty bony and not exactly well muscled, but somehow he makes it all work to be a somewhat attractive bloke. At least the girls seem to think so.
When it comes to clothing, give this boy stripes. Everything shirt he wears has stripes, usually with a pair of jeans. He won't go overboard with outfits, preferring simplicity above all, but only, only if it includes stripes. Even when he's called on to dress up nice, its usually a pinstriped suit. Also he wears a pair of goggles, for no other reason than they make him look 'cool', apparently. However unlike his OU counterpart he mainly wears them on top of his head rather than over his eyes.
He also has three tattoo's:
"A lower half-sleeve on his right arm"
"One of the back of his neck"
One he has no idea about on arrival at the small of his back
He also has a scar from a bullet wound in his left flank.

Abilities: An expert hacker, Matt can use pretty much any technology presented to him with a minimal amount of time to familiarise himself with it. A genius raised in an orphanage where all children were groomed to be possible replacements for the great detective L he also has good deductory powers and a wide area of knowledge of many different subjects including forensics and criminal psychology and is fluent in a number of languages, including binary. He can use guns to a certain extent, though he is not an expert marksman.
Strengths: Matt is very intelligent, though he often doesn't show it, he's also loyal and trustworthy to a fault when his trust has been won. He's also great with computers and cars, having spent time in a chop shop owned by their group.
Weaknesses: He's human, and has all the inherent weaknesses attributed to being one. As well as the fact he's a heavy smoker, and will probably have to stop and hack his lungs up after a short run. Matt prefers to do all his attacking from a distance, primarily with a computer, or a gun, so when it comes to close and personal, he isn't that great in a fight.
Plus, his slack attitude to work means he probably won't even care, and rather try to slink off to his next hideout.

deviation, history

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