⚔ 3rd Battle [Voice]

Apr 03, 2011 22:03

... A-a-ACHOOO!

[Guess who stayed out too long in the snow. Sadlygrove sounds totally sick and wiped out.]

Guys, id's not possible to eat de articho-- achoo! Dey don't even taste dat good.

[A loud sniffle, followed by the blowing of a nose.] If you want me I'll be hunding some anima--a--ACHOO!!

common sense what is that, sadly sick, derp derp

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Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 05:26:56 UTC
...did you try to eat your house?


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 05:33:42 UTC
Yes, I did. Id wasn't dat hard, I just had to cut off a piece. I never knew ardichokes could taste so bad...


Re: Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 05:35:02 UTC

If you had been able to eat it, where would you have lived?


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 05:35:52 UTC
Um, I hadn't thought dat far yet.


Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 05:40:31 UTC


*No, really, what?*

Well. I guess its good you can't eat them, then.


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 05:43:43 UTC
[That's what a lot of people say about Grovy.]

I guess so. [A loud sniff.] Bud I really wanted to try! Besides, if I ate id all I could just make an ugloo.


Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 05:45:45 UTC
You're lucky it wasn't poisonous.

*An uglo--oooh.*

Sleeping in the snow probably won't help your cold.


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 05:48:53 UTC
Oh, id's okay. I've been poisoned lods of times.

... I know dat! [No, he didn't. Hence his cold.]


Re: Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 05:50:25 UTC

Well, uh, its still good that you weren't. And that you still have a house.


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 05:53:24 UTC
Yeah, I guess so. Dough I wouldn't have minded sleeping in an ugloo. Ugloos are really nice, I heard.


Re: Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 05:55:14 UTC
You should wait till you get better, then I'm sure you can find an igloo to sleep in.

*Though Manny does not comprehend why anyone would want to sleep in an ice house.*


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 05:58:44 UTC
Nah, I'll be fine. Just f-- fi-- ACHOO!!


Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 06:00:54 UTC
Right. Well, I hear a warm bath helps.


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 06:02:32 UTC
But I have to go hunding. If id's snowing id must be near Kwismas, so I have to make a meal.

[Stubborn derp!head is stubborn.]


Re: Audio tyranteyes April 4 2011, 06:03:27 UTC
Aren't there meals at the temple?

*....is that a mangling of 'christmas' or some weird forgien holiday?*


Audio l33tshushuhero April 4 2011, 06:06:42 UTC
[Funnily enough, it's the actual name of the pseudo-Christmas holiday.]

No, no. You see-- [HCCHK a really loud sniff there] --id has to be special. You have to do id yourself. Because... because dat's how id goes I dink. Dat's whad my master made me do.


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