Nov 22, 2005 22:10

It shouldn't be this way......i shouldn't be the one most affected by this.....four year techs and actors deserve that, but instead I get stuck in all the fucking red tape and all the stupid rumors. It just keeps getting worse every day. I get called in to talk to the police, I get blamed countless times for barker's resignation today, and now i just listened to a message from someone's insurance and I don't know what to think about that. I know it's not all my fault, but i just want it to be over, why does thewhole thing have to turn into such a giant thing. Barker and I had a perfect plan laid outand everything was going to be fine. But no....wes had to fake an injury cause he was pissed at barker, then his parents had to get involved. I swear if it was his insurance that called me than i will give him a REAL head injury. I wish i could say I was sorry for Barker....but I am so incredibly pissed at him now i can't be, he could have at least said that no matter what happened not to take it out on me. I can say however that I am really sorry thaht our department will suffer, cause I have really learned to love drama over the past two years. And i really feel sympathy for all of the people who have been involved for longer than me. But still WHY SHOULD THE PERSON WHO BARELY HAS THE RIGHT TO BE AFFECTED BY THIS TURN OUT TO BE BEARING THE BRUNT OF IT!!!!!!!
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