Jan 08, 2022 12:11

We made it through our trip and haven't got sick yet. COVID cases are starting to take off at kid's school, though. Not super optimistic their containment will continue to hold, and even if it does, they're going to have a spike in cases due to community transmission more broadly. Kid's teacher was out sick this week, her family has COVID.

I started on my new team this week at work. I'm working on Ink, which isn't a particular front-end product but a system that provides freehand drawing features to a bunch of Android and Chrome things (Keep, Photos, Screenshots, YouTube Shorts, Duo, Cursive, etc.). On Monday we were traveling, on Tuesday Eris was home sick (not COVID, a 24-hour stomach bug), but Wednesday and Thursday I managed to get into the office. I have a new desk with the new team, the stuff at my previous desk was finally returned from long-term storage, and I got to see some of the newer Google space (in the former Akamai building at 8 Cambridge Center).

Mostly I wasn't onto my new team's work yet, though. Just setting up my new desk, dusting off my desktop setup, and getting through the last few items of handoff that either escaped my attention or had been intentionally left until after the switch. I'm really looking forward to getting back to the office, it's just so much better of a space for work than anything I can manage at home. And it will be nice to interact more with my new team in person. When we're all back in, anyways.

Friday was the first big snowstorm of the year, and it was a snow day. Though I suspect the school etc. closures (though it does seem the willingness to close school due to weather has gone up over the last decades) were due less to just snow and more to a combination of snow and COVID. Weather and illness have been causing disruptions to stuff all over. Including the snow removal service for our condo not getting to us in reasonable time.

Still having a small in-town birthday party for Eris today, though it's all friends who are in her kindergarten class. After that it's back to not having plans. This entry was originally posted on Dreamwith.
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travel, self, holidays, work, family

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