Jet-Set Radio Present

Dec 08, 2021 18:19

Loyal Nine in Cambridge is closing. Another favorite gone. I wonder what will be there next. The space is so incredible, if another restaurant doesn't take up the mantle it will be a real shame. Anyways I spent the whole weekend pretty bummed out about that, though we did go there for a last brunch. Service was very slow and lobster popovers were no longer on the menu. It was still very good, but it had a feeling of "the best is behind and the days are numbered". So many fond memories.

We also went to Julie's company holiday party Saturday night, which was at an investor's apartment at the top of Boston's Millennium Tower. Was fun, the view was incredible. The second in-person social event I've been at since the start of the pandemic.

Eris stayed home with her babysitter, Mary, who brought over a gingerbread house to decorate. Eris was delighted with the project, which they decorated very elaborately. (She was just as excited to demolish the creation, which ended up broken down into quite a few gingerbread breakfasts.)

Anyways, on Monday I got word from Julie that she and her co-founder had been invited on a cross-country jaunt for a get-together with some of their investors and assorted VIPs. Seems like an incredible trip, obviously if I were in her shoes I wouldn't want to miss it and it's big for the company, too. So I wish I'd been able to suppress my annoyance at having a few days of solo-parenting dropped on me on a few hours notice. As it was, I was angsty for a bit before I got over it. The thing with startup life is that it's always important.

The solo parenting has gone swimmingly. We've been watching some of Netflix's School of Chocolate, a cooking class/competition taught/hosted by Amaury Guichon (a genius pastry chef who creates desserts like this and chocolate showpieces like this). Eris loves it.

Also, it looks like team transfer at work is going to happen for real. Uncomfortably excited. This entry was originally posted on Dreamwith.
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self, food, work, parenting, family

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