My parents are in town this weekend for a visit. So they're getting a little time alone with the grandkid today, and I'm getting a bit of remarkably quiet time, starting with a nice brunch with Julie. They're taking her to the DeCordova Sculpture Garden and Drumlin Farm today, and we have some zoo trips planned together for Sunday and Monday. And I'm taking Tuesday off to get in some quality time with my folks.
Hopefully all will go well with the trip. It's good to see my parents, since I don't know that I'll be seeing them over Thanksgiving. Probably won't want to go at peak travel time with still-unvaccinated (at least not fully vaccinated at that point, even if things are on the quick side of what's possible) kid. Though the exact situation is not yet known. It's good that the current COVID wave seems to be on the downside, and that schools around here seem to have done pretty well on containment.
Work is busy, but progress on my main project is at least existent. I feel like I'm doing a bit better of a job managing work-stress, though productivity/focus remain lower than I'd like.
Things with Eris have improved a bit, but remain somewhat rocky. Kindergarten is clearly a lot, and she seems to be getting a lot out of it. She's going to bed "early" (which for her means falling asleep mid-story at 9:45 or so). But that definitely beats pushing towards 11 and then still having trouble getting to sleep.
My host family sent Erica a delightful care package, and Erica helped write a thank you note. (I translated and wrote out in kana on scratch paper, then Erica copied that to the card.)
I spent some time this week listening to the congressional testimony of the Facebook whistleblower. Was interesting to see one of my Olin contemporaries in the news. She's someone who's thoughtful and effective, not reckless, not a firebrand. My impression is that if she thought such measures were justified, it was because the stuff she saw was really bad and avenues for improving that from within were really obstructed.
It's going to be a busy weekend in town because of the Boston Marathon, rescheduled to the fall this year. Kind of excited to see those local events return. People seem to be really making the most of the good fall weather this year.
Thoughts are jumbled. I should write more.
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