Last week, a mirror mounted on the small bedroom door fell off the door when the door was opened too quickly and shattered. No one was hurt, fortunately, but it was a pain to clean up. The mirror was not secured properly compared to a similar mirror on the door of the large bedroom, it had brackets on top and bottom but was missing those on the sides. This discrepancy wasn't obvious (and even if it had been noticed it wouldn't have been so obviously significant), and the mirrors had been installed by the previous owners (so it stayed up fine for quite a few years and might have continued to be fine if the door hadn't been slammed open).
Last Thursday, Eris realized late at night that she hadn't crossed off the date on her paper calendar, and hadn't done so all month. She then had a complete emotional meltdown about the irreversible nature of time. (Things were better in the morning, but getting to sleep took some doing.)
A rat ran across my foot while I was sitting on a wall at the playground tonight, which was startling.
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on Dreamwith.
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