The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the decision overturning Prop 8 until the appeal is complete. Not sure what their reasoning on that is,
the order does not say. It merely lays out a relatively fast schedule for the trial (opening brief by September 17, answering brief by October 18, reply brief by November 1). Oral arguments are
evidently scheduled for December 6, decision some time after that. The order does, however, ask the proponents to address Judge Walker's arguments about standing.
Also worth saying something about the controversy over the "Ground Zero Mosque" (a proposed Islamic Cultural Center some blocks away from the former WTC site).
Jon Stewart's take is brilliant, especially his take-down of Obama's back-tracking and Glenn Beck's outright hypocrisy. A lot of the comparisons right-wing politicians are making on the issues are blatantly ignorant. Adding additional irony, any attempt by NYC to block the construction with last-minute zoning changes will
probably land them in hot water because of
a law passed in 2000 (
with bipartisan support). (Also,
really ADL? A hair-splitting defense of irrational religious discrimination? Ugh.)