From the Sentaa

Jul 13, 2007 14:19

Hanging out at the IES Tokyo Center for the last time. On the wall, the motto of IES is posted, which seems to me as good a motto as any:
一期一会、一日一善 ("ichigo ichie, ichinichi ichizen; "treasure every encounter, for it will never recur; do one good deed every day")

The "Four Rules" (which I can't seem to resist mentally translating into /b/-speak) are also posted all over, too:
1. Express your appreciation (needs moar arigatou!)
2. Sit back and observe Japanese way of doing things (LURK MOAR)
3. Keep promises (because anonymous never forgives)
4. Be a good diplomat (anonymous delivers)

I'm done with class now. Can't believe I'm heading home tomorrow. 帰りたいか、帰りたくないか? About going home, I have mixed feelings. There are a lot of things I'm going to miss about this place (Kanda students, my host family, Japanese food, the trains), but I miss home, too. I'm glad the semester is over, though. Ironically, I could use a vacation.

class, random, self, japan

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