Mar 05, 2009 18:57
While I was riding the train home today I saw a sign for a suicide prevention walk and I thought ...what's the point? Since I've never believed in this every life is sacred bullshit, I have no problem putting people out of their misery. Do you really think someone that depressed will be able to recover and live a full, happy life? Perhaps there are impulsive suicides, but those don't seem to be prevalent or preventable. On the other hand I do believe in helping treat long-term depression. Making people happy or at least content isn't easy, but if we didn't have highs and lows how would we know we're alive at all. It's more important to try to prevent the problem rather than the aftermath. Treat depression instead of preventing suicide. Let, those who are in pain or have no brain waves, go. There are things that are beyond our reach.
There are things that are within our reach that we don't do anything about or we think/pretend to do something when what's really happening is tradition and/or avoidance. Prison and the death penalty came to mind while thinking about the whole value of human life bs. If we value people so much, why not actually help them? Or my alternative, shirk them free of this mortal coil and put everyone out of their misery PLUS allow all the money wasted on them be used for someone else or something more useful. Why aren't we evolving? Why are humans stuck on stupid? Religion and tv are very similar in that they are the opiate of the masses. Please, everyone, if I ever get to the point where I kill or rape or cause excessive amounts of damage, aka blow up a building, put me to death. I don't want that injection crap either. Give me the guillotine. Swift, sharp decapitation. Ok, so people think prisons are such a great idea. Right? Most people think they are a necessary evil. This is just a storage area to try to keep the riff-raff out of our lives. Oh hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. It's easier to just ignore that which we wish would just go away than to actually work on reform. Sure people have come up with half baked ideas as to what is to be done about crime and criminal impulses. I finally saw A Clockwork Orange. Brain washing is a popular behavior modification tool because it seems easy enough, but really it's just as ineffective if you don't actually teach the person how to function in society. There's no plan when it comes to punishment. People should actually come away better people in the criminal punishment system. There should be change. Fines? Well fines can be effective if they actually impact the person. Classes are a viable option, but only if there is practical follow through. Parole officers should be more like mentors. Instead of them just being used after serving time, they should also check on people who have gone through anger management training, detox/substance abuse rehabilitation, driving classes, etc. Instead of caring we make it seem like we are kinda making a half-arsed effort to fix it and leave it at that.
"But how can we afford to do all that?" Valid. Reform is expensive. Then again you're moving to a "world-class safety" effort. Hell yeah I learned that at work. Why not hold ourselves to a higher expectation in order to effect change? We should think about the money, but we should also think about how jobs will change and how it will effect the way our world works. The Chinese put a limit on the number of children each couple could have, but didn't hold into account what effect their culture would have and all the girl babies that would end up in over crowded orphanages or dead. Population control is hard thing. We're no longer getting rid of the weak and it's breeding more stupid people. Stupidity is not something you're born with, but it's something that begins at home. If a child is smart and shows promise, only when that aptitude is recognized and encouraged do they have the likelihood to grow in intelligence. Have you all seen Idiocracy? It is the scariest movie I have ever seen. The idiots of the world continue to breed and people just get more and more stupid. I screamed. I screamed in terror. Is it true? Was this movie actually a documentary taped in the future? It made me so mad!
Stupidity is not only tolerated, but encouraged by leading poorly. Teach and show the people around you that there is a better way to live. Don't stoop to the lowest level because no one will see it or no one will care. Hold yourself to your own standards, which should be miles above the expectations of others.