(no subject)

Dec 05, 2006 04:45

I'll start off by saying OMG, yeah I still have this thing.. and yes, I still look at it everyday.. hahaha. Anyways, heres what I just posted in my DJ. I feel that I'll be getting back into using my journals again soon, they're always there for ya.

Whelp, I knew it would come down to this. I know I'm being real emo about it, but shoot.. I gotta vent somewhere, and where else but good ol' deadjournal. Always been there for people when it's needed, now it's needed I guess. This will sound kinda stupid, but I knew there wasn't a way to co-exist with Rod being close to my good friends as well as I am. And I also knew it was going to come down to me or him eventually. And since I'm the weaker link in the situation, I lose this one.

I'm a pretty lucky person though to have some good friends, been around for a while. But this will mark the end of childhood, and the beginning of life. Time to step up, finish school, get a real job and be out. This is going to be the true test right here, to see if I'm still a kid, or a man. You can lol at this, but this entry is for me.. although I'm leaving it open because I want the attention as well. That must be the child in me.

Not like I'm going to be alone or anything, it's just I'm going to be away from my better friends now. I have been getting out more, meeting new people and all. Met some cool new people, some that I'll never really talk to again, some that I can see as being good friends in the long run. Also, in whatever future jobs I get, the people I meet there will hopefully prove to be a positive energy in my life. Yeah, this is a stretched outlook, but like my dad says EVERYDAY to me:

"It's time to step up, son."
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